[img]https://www.homestuck.com/images/advimgs/ps/ps001.gif[/img] Name: Problem Sleuth Age: Unknown Gender: Male Personality: Problem Sleuth is hard-boiled in a charmingly handsome way. He also has a penchant for MONOLOGUING IN NOIR STYLE. He isn't as apt at sleuthing as he appears to be, sometimes having trouble performing simple tasks, and spends a lot of time doing GENERALLY ABSURD THINGS and using his IMAGINATION. As a result of being created by ANDREW HUSSIE, he has a particular fondness for CAPITALIZING CERTAIN DESCRIPTIVE WORDS AND PHRASES OF IMPORTANCE in narration. He has an obsession with CANDY CORN, and will stop at nothing to save HYSTERICAL DAMES. Inventory: A strange key and four pieces of candy corn Abilities and skills: His KEY has the strange ability to transform into a HANDGUN at random. He also has the power of his PULCHRITUDE, which allows him to INFLUENCE OTHERS, GET THE DAMES, and GENERALLY BE A HARD BOILED FELLOW. He may also use his signature SLEUTH DIPLOMACY, which consists of SHOOTING PEOPLE IN THE FACE. He has also grown accustomed to solving WEIRD PUZZLE SHIT. He is also somewhat agile. Other: Frequently builds forts and hides in them while inebriated in order to access his imagination.