[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210318/2b4cf1ca4ee53dc507d0dea69557e322.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][hr] Caramelle rolled her eyes as Turq and Veloce went on to explain why they wanted to become a huntsman. Power. Strength. Money. Travel. A bunch of trivial reasons as far as she could tell, though Veloce’s story about owing a debt to a huntsman was at least half-admirable. She wondered what the other member of their group would say, though frankly, she was only slightly curious about the reasoning behind it. The brown-haired girl raised a brow as she mused over her own thoughts. Was it really their business that being a huntsman was something that ran in her family? All they need to knew was she was a huntsman because she was a huntsman. [color=D09772]“Does it even matter?”[/color] She groaned, [color=D09772]“I’m a huntress because I’m [i]good[/i] at it. Who cares?”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]