[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/eCuzycM.png[/img] [color=DEBA42]LOCATION:[/color] Edge Of The Blue - Luma Pools [color=DEBA42]WORD COUNT:[/color] 1,328(+3 EXP) [color=DEBA42]MENTIONS:[/color] Nobody in particular, but he is shouting at the group. Again. [/Center] [hr] Elliot cocked his head, following the orangutan's gesture to see he was pointing off into the distance. Could he have understood? Why else would he be pointing, right? Surely to not tell him to go away-- Elliot knew he was great company, so the monkey wouldn't want him gone, right? Insecurities repressed, he noted that Lanky didn't want to exactly get up from his spot, so this mission would be a solo one for sure. That was okay, though. Elliot was used to working alone! Though maybe it wouldn't have to be that way, much longer. [color=DEBA42]"Thanks, bud! I'll catch ya on the return trip."[/color] He said with enthusiasm, two fingers from his free hand going up to his forehead for a salute before he began to depart in the direction he was pointed in. Yeah, it wouldn't have to be small commission work anymore. Elliot smiled to himself, thinking of the opportunity of joining King Bowser's crew. Sure, they looked like a bunch of weirdos (And he swore he saw someone grow freakishly tall out of the corner of his eye, but it might have been a hallucination) but they were friendly. Elliot hadn't really found people like that before now, at least not people traveling. And they seemed to be able to handle themselves, especially if they were daring the Bottomless Sea... He doubted himself for a moment, wondering if he was capable enough to be useful on such a voyage? They seemed to be carrying experience he couldn't hope to grasp, and whatever 'bad guys' were out there like that girl had shouted? He wondered if he'd be able to stand up to them. [color=DEBA42][i]Well, duh![/i][/color] He thought to himself, letting a small laugh escape him. He took the egg tucked under his arm in both hands, looking at it for a moment. Thinking back to his goals, he made sure to mentally remind himself that success was the only option! He wasn't just venturing for his own gain, after all. He had a wonderful woman to find, and save if need be. And heck, if he could make the world a better place while trying to reach farther out for his search? That sounded like a win to him. Good smiles, good laughs, transportation. What else could you ask for in a world like this? Elliot's thoughts made the trip a bit shorter, at least mentally. It felt like it hadn't taken long to get to the place the kong had described, finding a route off the main river than lead him into a bit of a strange grove, but there were bananas everywhere! Excited, his eyes lit up at the idea of bringing a decent haul back to the crew, figuring they could eat pretty well off of this much food! Though... There were an assortment of weird, leaf-dinosaurs around that might have been eating it, too. And as he observed the idea, he noticed a weird creature the dinosaurs seemed to be avoiding: It looked like food itself, like ice cream, whipped cream, cherries... The cherries had eyes. Why the HELL did the cherries have eyes? It also looked like it had bananas for mandibles, which was just another layer of weird, but maybe explained why it was here. He had to wonder why it kept saying 'Scoopy Banoopy', though. In a multitude of tones that came off as pretty aggressive. [color=DEBA42]"This place always has to get weirder."[/color] He complained to himself, forming a plan. Alright, so carrying bundle of them back would be a waste of time, considering how many people there were. Well, minus the robot. And the zombies. And the ship...? Did the ship eat food? Regardless, he needed a decent amount. Setting down his egg friend in a secluded and soft spot where he thought it wouldn't be disturbed, Elliot formed a plan. He started by tearing down a few of the larger leaves he could find in the area, figuring he could one: Layer and use them as a sort of sled so he could drag a bunch of bananas, due to the sheer size of the damn leaf. And two: He could use a few more to make some sort of bedding for the egg later, though he'd have to see what his situation was. Having a leaf or two wouldn't hurt though, right? Leaf-sled in tow, Elliot began to carefully traverse the grove. He avoided the 'Snoopy Banoopy' thing especially, but tried to stay a fair distance from the leaf-dinosaurs as well. Though the wing-like leaves on their backs could've made even better containers for carrying the bananas. He noticed one kind of give him the stink-eye for thinking about it though, so he minded his own business. Harvesting the bananas was pretty easy, he had to move to more trees than expected to keep ahead of the creatures around him, but staying on the outer layer of trees made it pretty easy. Once the leaf started getting a little hefty, he decided to call it good and begin a retreat. His tugs made him believe it wouldn't break, though he had a few spares to fix that if necessary... Plus he could just tear more off the trees. Returning to his egg, he picked it up and placed it between the banana bundles, figuring it'd stay put that way. He felt pretty proud of his harvest, but noticed some of the dinosaurs looking his way. He laughed nervously, before skipping out of the area with his food in tow, figuring there was plenty in the inner circles of trees that'd leave food for them. He'd just go back the way he came, and not look back. He stifled his laugh and tried to keep quiet, though the dragging made a bit of noise. He figured those creatures would forget, or hoped they did, anyhow. [color=DEBA42]"Man, I sure hope they don't hate bananas or something, maybe I should've asked."[/color] Mirage quipped to himself, as his return trip began. It'd taken awhile. His walk back made him realize how far he went, and damn, did he feel a little tuckered out from dragging these bananas. He finally made it back towards where Lanky had been lounging, having told him he'd be back on the return trip, after all. Stopping to take a momentary breather, Elliot pulled one of his banana bunches off the leaf and brought it over to the orangutan, handing it to him but not having much time to stay at the moment. Especially since he didn't know how many bananas this kong would eat if they lounged together. [color=DEBA42]"Enjoy, buddy! Thanks for the help."[/color] He offered the monkey a smile, before gripping onto the big leaf to drag it again, back towards the two ships. [color=DEBA42]"Heeeeeey!"[/color] He called out, offering a wave with one hand as he made a slow approach on the group, a pretty decent stock of fruit in tow if he did say so himself. An all-banana diet probably wasn't the best for you, but having bananas was better than going hungry! Right? [color=DEBA42]"I hope you guys like fruit, because I found a whole bunch! Should make sailing a lot easier!"[/color] He spoke as if he was already for sure about to set sail with these guys. He still hadn't been very direct about that, had he? Elliot began to realize his awkwardness needed to come to an end sooner than later, though for the moment he was content in just enjoying a bit of time with some friendly faces. Once he managed to get closer to the group, he'd dropped the leaf and let the food sit, scooping up his egg again. He figured when the time came, they could work on loading it. Or maybe that weird robot's zombies could do it. Shambling corpses used as free labor sounded like it was very helpful. Now he could try to relax a little, wipe the sweat off his brow... Make some buddies, maybe. He'd have to see.