[hr][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/389a152d-6e82-4b71-b324-39252a43c01f.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] Overwhelming had been putting it lightly. While Clarissa had managed to get Isolde onto the carriage, getting off was an entirely different ordeal. Even when she finally did, however, it was like she was having an out-of-body experience. Professor Michail wanted [i]her[/i] on the frontlines?! Auberon and Derec she understood, but what good was she? She wondered if he knew about her training, but even then, her legs were trembling and she hadn't even taken a step away from the carriage yet. Her back had remained firmly against it, terrified to step foot into the village. She had her orders, yes, but to go out there was suicide! She could only watch as her classmates all moved--Derec, in particular, responded greatly to Auberon's orders, going forward immediately. He didn't look afraid or showed any sign of hesitation. Honestly, if she didn't know any better, she'd assume that he had some actual experience. He successfully pushed back a bandit, though she let out a squeak of horror as he just as easily plunged his spear right through them. Derec and Auberon were definitely the right choices for the front line. Clarissa tried to appeal to the bandits' morality, helping in her own way. And everyone else moved, doing their part. Everyone except her. Tomai watched both Kellen and Imogen, letting out a whistle of approval as Jorah's arrow plunged into one of their chests. As the second was distracted, he brandished his arm as a circle of runs formed in front of him, dark magic surging forward and striking the unguarded bandit. He let out a slight 'tsk' of disapproval, frowning at Kaira. [color=red]"Let me borrow that,"[/color] He said, holding out his hand. Once she gave him the staff, he pointed it at the staggering bandit, the runes forming quicker and the magic bursting forward notably stronger. [color=red]"There we go,"[/color] He was much more pleased, ignoring the bandit's cries of pain as all the life left him. [color=red]"Move forward, people. That means you, Clarissa."[/color] He called as he walked forward. At that point Michail stepped into Isolde's view, looking down at her. She couldn't help but drop her gaze to the ground, ashamed. It was obvious what he was going to tell her. [color=00aeef]"Let's go,"[/color] He said--[i]ordered[/i]. And why wouldn't he? She was the only one who wasn't doing what she was supposed to. Drawing in a shaky breath, Isolde pushed herself away from the carriage, following Michail as they joined the duo. Michail clapped Auberon's shoulder, gesturing for the trio to follow him as he charged forward. As if on cue, a few bandits charged at him, but with one swing, he knocked all but one back. The unfortunate one, it would seem, as Michail's next swing embedded the tip of his spear into his chest. Instead of ending it there, however, he was thrown into his comrades in time as a surge of lighting came down from the heavens. [color=red]"Fourteen left,"[/color] Tomai yawned, casually walking up to the group with Kaira following suit. [color=red]"We haven't been noticed yet, but as soon as we get deeper into the heart of the village, I'm pretty sure they'll react accordingly. Euphemia's making her way to the other side, undetected, but we have a pair of archers we should probably look out for."[/color] Michail took a second to digest everything before turning back to the group. [color=00aeef]"Good job so far, make sure to keep it up,"[/color] He told the students. [color=00aeef]"We're going to make sure to get as much attention as we can so the remaining villagers can make their escape."[/color] A low rumble felt through the ground interrupted the conversation. Kaira looked around, a little surprised. [color=palegreen]"Tomai, can you feel that?"[/color] She asked worriedly. [color=00aeef]"We all felt that,"[/color] Michail replied. [color=red]"No, there's a [i]lot[/i] of magic in the air right now,"[/color] Tomai noted. [color=red]"If I were a betting man, I'd say that this is what the air was like right before that explosion. We were too far away to sense it, but it's growing thicker by the second. How ominous."[/color] [color=00aeef]"All the more reason to keep going as quickly as possible,"[/color] The knight rolled his shoulder as he took back his place to the front. He stopped as he seemed to notice something, moving to his left as an arrow zipped past his cheek. [color=00aeef]"There's one archer,"[/color] He muttered. [color=00aeef]"Jorah, you're going to have to find those two archers before they pick you guys off! Let's keep moving--"[/color] A savage battle cry cut Michail off as a few previously unseen bandits charged towards them from the right. While the noisier ones made their presence known, a group of five came quietly from behind with the intention to surround the group. [/indent]