[table][row][cell][color=#A2ADD0]Yue Nara[/color][/cell][cell][color=#A2ADD0]"Stop... being alive. It's embarrassing."[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kVqg79e.jpg?1[/img][/cell] [cell]Mizuraki's head fell from her shoulders and landed on the floor as wood. In an instant, Hideo had whipped his omi yari around his back and cleaved her head from her shoulders. Hideo was grinning ear to ear and his wide eyes seemed completely vacant to Yue. What... was [i]that[/i]?!? Her eyes were transfixed by Mizuraki's fallen wooden head. They'd been fighting, sure, but he didn't think it would come to this! It was just a clone, not the real Mizuraki. She flashed back to the visions of their demise she'd had earlier and felt her stomach tighten, but not with fear, with rage. Her eyes, which had been wide a moment ago, focused on only one thing: Hideo. Before that wooden head stopped moving, she clasped her hands into the seal of the rat and her shadow chased after Hideo, who leaped back, laughed, and then sank into the ground. Yue's cheeks burned with humiliation. Sh-she missed everything. Something important. She... agh! He'd made a fool of her. She'd get to the bottom of his deception and when she did... She'd... do what? She frowned with her eyes and sank into her jacket. Nothing. That's what she'd do... Nothing. She'd probably die before she even got the chance, judging by the odds. Three chuunin against four fresh genin. It seemed insurmountable, didn't it? But... the woman with the sword... She had offered to let them walk away. It had been one thing to challenge them when they had two jounin leading, but between the four of them... how could they even put up a fight? [color=#A2ADD0][i]'By taking out the rock throwing one first. The Kumo girl would be best for that, probably. Lava against rock... advantage lava, right? We'd have to delay the sword girl. I can't see her escaping Natsuo's bugs... Then the longer the fight, the worse off she'd be. B-but Bakuto would have to keep her away from Natsuo... Maybe... That... leaves me and the other one'[/i][/color], she thought involuntarily and berated herself for that kind of optimism. For one, she was basing all of this on the little she'd seen of their abilities and in real life, no one just had one skill. Second, the whole plan hinged on her not getting cut down right away. She would be against a [i]chuunin[/i] and all alone, having to deal with perilous terrain and very low light. She couldn't reliably use her shadows in a place like this. Even when she'd pressed them against Hideo, they'd been sluggish in the low light. [color=#A2ADD0][i]'But, they can't rely on big attack either. We're underground. If anyone uses a big move, we're all buried under a thousand tons of rock and ocean'[/i][/color], said that annoying voice in her head that she wished would just shut up... Like... it was right, but... Probably they already thought about that and these chuunin were picked because they didn't rely on big moves. [color=#A2ADD0][i]'So, they don't have any, then.'[/i][/color] Why was she even thinking about this when they could just walk away? She couldn't actually be thinking of fighting them was she? It was absurd. The mission failed, that's all. She was just a failure, that's all. This was way too much to expect for a genin to be able to do. But... if she didn't... Could she even call herself a kunoichi? No... it would be humiliating to go back now. What would the report say? She wisely decided not to get her and the team killed on an impossible mission that even the jounin bailed on? [color=#A2ADD0][i]'But, my plan could work. Can you turn back if you haven't tried everything?'[/i][/color] Shut up! ... Fine. [color=#A2ADD0][b]"Uh-um..."[/b][/color], but her mouth couldn't voice what she had in mind. Another thing that she should have accounted for, but didn't. How was she even going to get her plan going, if she couldn't even tell anyone what it was. But... she couldn't turn back. Stupidly, she stayed right where she was, her voice swallowed up, her mouth refusing to open again. So stupid. [/cell][/row][/table]