[center][b]TALON[/B] [img]https://insidepulse.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Court-of-Owls-Nightwing-Talong-mask-logo-icon-e1573250622510-300x182.png[/img][/center] Interactions:[color=39b54a]Daphne[/color], [color=goldenrod]Jaro[/color] [quote=@DClassified] [color=goldenrod]“Mhoro noobs! My name is Ja and this is Daffy-Knee—Welcome to the team.”[/color] [/quote] Talon turned at the sound of two new pairs of feet approaching. Two of the team members he had only gotten a mere glimpse of earlier. The boy with the headphones, and the brown haired girl. This was it, introductions to the others. Talon felt his nerves grow jittery as scenarios began to play in his head, but he quickly shook them away. He wanted to give a good first impression. Still, his eyebrows furrowed at being called noobs. He wondered if members of the Justice League would call each other by silly names like that. This was merely another reminder that he was a child, on a team of other children. But he never was one. That familiar wave of frustration moved through him. He could feel his face growing hotter. Talon knew that the reason h was being set up to join the team was to make friends, but is that what [i]he[/i] really wanted? Or did he want to get out there and become a hero? There was so much he had to still work through, still discover about himself. He nodded to the boy named Jaro. [b][color=9e0b0f]"You can call me Talon. Is everyone on this team so cavalier about their secret identity? I was under the impression that it would be best to keep our real names to ourselves until we grew to trust each other."[/color][/b] --- [i]Later that night[/i] [b]Location: Dormitory[/b] That night, after being shown to his room. Talon stayed up, unable to adjust to his new environment right away. So many changes had happened in his life, and so rapidly at that. He had met each of the members on the team, each reacting in their own way to his refusal to give out his real name. Real name. What a joke. Even in this life, Jack didn't have a real name. He wasn't anybody. He was never anybody. The others - what kind of lives did they live before coming here? They were all well adjusted, even the ghost boy was friendly enough. The atlantean girl...she was someone who stood out to Talon. And the Cyborg. These were people who came from such radically different worlds. Do they stay up, like he stays up? He looked towards the door to the rest of the hall. He wondered if he were to go and walk the halls, would he run into any other night owls? Would he make his first real friend? Would he love these people? Could he love? He rolled over in his bunk and faced the wall, staring at a familiar emptiness until sleep finally caught him. He did not dream. --- [quote=@dreamingflowers] [COLOR=bf2628][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S E C R E T S A N C T U A R Y[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][sup][color=darkgray]May 4[sup]rd[/sup], 2021 | 8:00a.m. | Happy Harbour, Rhode Island[/color][/sup][/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=Slateblue]"Did anyone see what he did wrong?"[/color] [/quote] Talon looked around at the other members of his team. They seemed excited to be getting a live demonstration from Black Canary and Green Arrow - two heroes who's time with The League stretched back nearly to the beginning of it's inception. It was not lost on Talon that this lesson was of particular import to him, as they were both heroes who did not have metahuman capabilities - just like himself. When Black Canary asked her question, Talon spoke up. [color=9e0b0f][b]"You said it was important to act over reaction. His attempt to draw his bow at such close range hindered his movements. He should have anticipated that you would quickly close the distance on him. His draw-speed may not have been an issue if he hadn't wasted time telling jokes."[/b][/color]