[center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/873479307715051540/image.png[/img] [sub][color=goldenrod]Interaction[/color] | Team & Teachers [color=goldenrod]Location[/color] | Happy Harbour [/sub][/center][hr] It was somewhat of an uncomfortable night for the young man. Sure, he had laid on beds for the year he had been back with his Amai, and even sometimes when he was under President Bland’s command. However, he rarely ever slept on them. It was too soft, after many times of sleeping on the floor back then, it felt more comfortable on the ground. His Amai explained that there would be many things to get used to, things that he didn’t have to worry about anymore. That he was no longer a soldier, he would learn to relax. While he had no doubt in the intentions of Amai, he wondered, if he wasn’t to be a soldier anymore, why was he here? The world of heroics didn’t seem much different from the world that he had supposedly left behind. Was it just that most didn’t kill their enemies? Saving the innocent? The Red Lion often gave speeches about saving and protecting people’s lives too. His Amai didn’t explain, but told him to just give it a chance. If he didn’t like it, he could just come home. So, that’s what Kila set out to do. He would give this Young Justice Initiative a chance, to fight for ‘the right side’ and see if that made a difference to him. Thus, he did what Iwisa taught him, and prepared himself for training that morning up until the deadline. Among the others, Kila stood with his arms behind his back, observing Black Canary as she spoke. There were few times that he’d seen and fewer that he encountered this duo. Both were of the League, just as his Amai. Though, more personally, Black Canary knew the father of his that he hadn’t the chance to meet. Because of that, there was a certain reverence he had for the warrior. What she had taught today specifically, though, seemed to be beginner information though. It made him wonder about the real life combat experience of those whom he’d be going to battle with. As the small skirmish played out in front of him, Kila observed each action and reaction closely. However, as expected, Green Arrow was the first to be knocked to the ground. When the question was posed, Talon and Viktor offered each of their agreeable answers, given the Green Arrow’s jesting disposition. It was when Zachary opened his mouth to give his opinion however, that Kila narrowed his eyes. The magician gave a generic answer to the question, clearly not paying much attention which irritated him. Furthermore, he went on a tangent about jokes and how they worked in battle, which to Kila made no sense in this context. He could understand the possible strategic value for some opponents, but that could just as equally make things worse. On top of that, the way he talked down to their teachers was dishonorable. Kila was soon to reply, but Kassandra did it first. The tension within him eased as she broke down the usefulness of such training. He admired her confidence in speaking up, as she had barely said a word in the week he’d been here. Although her resolve seemed to falter, Kila nodded in acknowledgement. He wasn’t sure why, especially with her reclusive nature, but something within him seemed to be drawn to her. The less verbal of the two pupils of Zatanna made a comment about not relying on physical strength, which made Kila roll his eyes. These two did not pay attention to what had just happened at all? What had just happened wasn’t about physical strength. Surely they were more perceptive, given magic’s tendency to be more than what the eye sees. That’s when Zach started talking again to try and worm around Kassandra’s explanation. [color=goldenrod]”If you trained to throw a punch correctly instead of complaining, then maybe you would have twice the advantage. Right now, you have one advantage and twice the complaint. How much more useful is that?”[/color] Kila couldn’t resist, his voice almost a snarl. As the robot girl spoke, it became blurred noise as he caught onto abnormal sounds coming from their environment. He turned towards that section of the forest to give it a better investigation. The sounds of branches snapping and a high-pitched voice airing discomfort. As far as he was aware, there were no monkeys in America, which meant that there was a person approaching that was unaccounted for. Just as his eye turned to the current League members on site, a girl crashed out of the shrubbery. She was bright, in almost every sense of the word; Her skin, hair, eyes, and even her outfit. While she could have been a threat in disguise, her demeanor and introduction implied otherwise. If she was a new recruit, she was rather late, especially to training, though it was her first time. No need to hold that against the princess, Kila supposed. With his attention now returning to their training, Casper and his bird began speaking again. As it seemed, the feathered companion had managed to talk the spectral boy into volunteering next. In which case, Kila’s initial impressions about the magical members' work ethics were appeased for the moment. At least this one was willing to try.