[center][h1][b][color=5a6b7c]Rainsinger[/color][/b][/h1] [i] [color=00a651]"So...you're takin' that walk?[/color] [color=5a6b7c]"Yeah."[/color] [color=922913]"This it for you? Going home, I mean. Ever coming back?"[/color] [color=5a6b7c]"Don't think anyone else is."[/color] [color=00a651]"Yeah, but what if, you know?"[/color] [color=5a6b7c]"Maybe, not holding my breath any time soon. Tell the boss man's family I said hello."[/color] [color=aabb29]"I hope we see you again, Linus."[/color] [color=5a6b7c]"Yeah, well, here's hoping. See you around, boys."[/color][/i] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.i67EtQZLa-0LEG-_A4rIQQHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [hider=Boat] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.DQjFxI8_E7DHCD3DlU2aogHaFh%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [/hider] A small motorized boat careened through the coastal waters of Tenebrae, guided by the distant haze of neon. A single person was aboard, though there was enough seats for several, as it quietly drifted in. Tenebrae was sleep, but the midnight scene was alive and well, the nocturnal people of this urban landscape tending to their vices, their people, and themselves. No one noticed the boat, nor did they hear it as it sailed clout from the distance into the tide pools of the Navy Pier, whose old ferris wheel stood like a sleepy monolith of the calm waters. The driver of this boat knew the water, knew it quite well...Too well. There were no floodlights coming from the front of it, and there were no sounds, all that could ne hear was the faint noise of a motor, which even its night owl of a pilot didn't find terribly loud. The driver steered into a long, wooden dock flanked by a series of long poles to keep boats in the shore. In a few minutes, the boat was tied, covered by a tarp, and everything not nailed down was secured as a man in baggy, rather comfortable clothes stepped onto old, familiar shores once more. The smell of saltwater and nostalgia permeated the haze of the big city. The man was known today as Linus, Linus Malden; Though, many years ago, such a person did not exist, he does now, and he has returned. It was as quiet, and peaceful as the waters he spent days travelling along. For a moment...he just stared out at the distant buildings, remembering the old days. They were right in front of him. Eventually, he took a walk up to the pier, where everything was closed until morning. Not even a skeleton crew. Just alone time. For maybe an hour, he strolled down the old Navy Pier, and took in the sights, many things were different, but he recognized them all the same... [color=5a6b7c]"I'm back..."[/color] He whispered to himself. [h1][b][color=ff6130]Ellie[/color][/b][/h1] [i] I'm Dream. I've seen some of the work you do and I'm impressed, though I would have preferred to meet over coffee during daylight hours. From what I recall, you don't have a codename. What should I call you?"[/i] The doc must’ve thought of everything. Ellie took the girl’s hand. Dream. [color=ff6130]”Just call me Ellie. I don’t use code names. Not worried about people knowing me out there in the ‘Vig world.”[/color] she said plainly before they sat down to eat. Ellie wasn’t particularly familiar with the names of Japanese food, it was just sushi to her, tasted like Mahi. [color=ff6130]”Mm.”[/color] According to Takeda, the police were too pressed working on regular day-to-day crime, or saving their asses. They’re not willing to go out of their way to hunt down meta-terrorists. [color=ff6130]”Doesn’t really surprise me. Police aren’t trained for the things I gotta deal with.”[/color] That was putting it mildly. Now, the weapon. A weaponized storage unit. A meta battery. Designed to steal abilities from metas and and turn them wild. An unknowable number of individual, widely diverse abilities could be put together in such a thing. The very thought of it was unnerving, by the way Takeda explained it, [i]any[/i] ability could be snatched up. To have that much power at your fingertips, only to be limited solely by your ability to capture people...Not a good idea. It became clear why Takeda needed Ellie for this: She had experience. 20 years old living under the guise of a run-of-the-mill mechanic and taking people down. But this weapon wasn’t complete. It needed additional pieces to be complete. “The heart,” one was called. It was guarded. Very well guarded. [color=ff6130]”How are we supposed to get behind that kind of defense in a covert mission? And underwater? My powers aren’t breathing underwater. I can blast in there if we get past that, but that’s if. And even then, the entire place would be as alert as it could be. Unless this woman next to me can breathe underwater, or teleport, or go something else, I don’t see what we can do. I don’t really know anyone who could either.”[/color] Anymore. Ellie finished off her food. [color=ff6130]”If it means Tenebrae doesn’t get destroyed, then I’m in. But still, how are we getting there?”[/color] Ellie asked with genuine curiosity. Ellie could definitely light up and swim terribly fast, at maybe 20 mph underwater, but then she’s have to bust through walls kept under atmospheric conditions for people to live in, meaning it would be flooded, and locked down, or worse. [color=ff6130]”I’m not exactly built for this kind of environment.”[/color][/center]