Death closed his eyes for a brief moment and a small area of the desert began to shift and shake for a brief moment as shadowy tendrils reached down from a small portal above the ground. A small portion of the ground seemed to vanish and a small chest was seen. As the tendrils reached down and grabbed the chest it emitted a flash of light and the tendrils instantly turned to dust. War grinned as more tendrils appeared and grabbed the chest but this time there was no flash of light. The tendrils delivered the chest to War who gripped it with both hands and the tendrils vanished. Death turned to War. "And now it's time for us to leave. Before we pay another visit to Eden we're going to go and deal with this threat. The Titans are most likely the ones who have done this." "Second city?" "Second city." Another portal appeared and War and Death stepped through it with the chest in hand.