[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210517/fc4acd6a77f1545cacde185772945722.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/4b18caad822de13a12a992d4c773265b/tumblr_p34mwgfNLA1wdnxxyo1_500.gif[/img] [b][i]A [@BrutalBx] & [@Venus] Collab Featuring [color=D2D528]Roddy Callahan[/color] & [color=A442AB]Lanie Lancaster[/color][/i][/b] [b][color=#D2D528]▃[/color][color=#D0CF2D]▃[/color][color=#CEC932]▃[/color][color=#CCC437]▃[/color][color=#CABE3C]▃[/color][color=#C9B841]▃[/color][color=#C7B346]▃[/color][color=#C5AD4B]▃[/color][color=#C3A750]▃[/color][color=#C2A255]▃[/color][color=#C09C5A]▃[/color][color=#BE965F]▃[/color][color=#BC9164]▃[/color][color=#BA8B69]▃[/color][color=#B9856E]▃[/color][color=#B78073]▃[/color][color=#B57A78]▃[/color][color=#B3747D]▃[/color][color=#B26F82]▃[/color][color=#B06987]▃[/color][color=#AE638C]▃[/color][color=#AC5E91]▃[/color][color=#AB5896]▃[/color][color=#A9529B]▃[/color][color=#A74DA0]▃[/color][color=#A547A5]▃[/color][color=#A341AB]▃[/color][color=#A547A5]▃[/color][color=#A74DA0]▃[/color][color=#A9529B]▃[/color][color=#AB5896]▃[/color][color=#AC5E91]▃[/color][color=#AE638C]▃[/color][color=#B06987]▃[/color][color=#B26F82]▃[/color][color=#B3747D]▃[/color][color=#B57A78]▃[/color][color=#B78073]▃[/color][color=#B9856E]▃[/color][color=#BA8B69]▃[/color][color=#BC9164]▃[/color][color=#BE965F]▃[/color][color=#C09C5A]▃[/color][color=#C2A255]▃[/color][color=#C3A750]▃[/color][color=#C5AD4B]▃[/color][color=#C7B346]▃[/color][color=#C9B841]▃[/color][color=#CABE3C]▃[/color][color=#CCC437]▃[/color][color=#CEC932]▃[/color][color=#D0CF2D]▃[/color][/b][/center] [color=silver][indent][indent][indent]After much poking and prodding from his parents and an asshole ripping phone call from his big brother Francis and current partner Joaquin, Roddy made his way to the Hole in the Wall for his date/not date with Lanie. He couldn’t lie: there was a deep set fear that this could possibly be a big mistake. But after speaking to his family, who all absolutely adored Lanie, Rod felt much more comfortable with his decision. He had never intended to ever even break up with her. Hell, how could he, Roddy Callahan-- one of the biggest outcasts in Edenridge High-- realistically break up with blonde bombshell, cheerleader, Miss Popular, Elaine Lancaster? It was an enigma how they even ended up together in the first place. The only reason Roddy had even ended things was because he felt like half a man: unable to walk, unable to so much as hold his child without his hands trembling from the early onset arthritis. Now, he had both somewhat under control, and he was looking to rectify his mistake. Their night together had progressed better than expected. After a nice, hearty meal and a few drinks they were laughing and joking just like they used to. There was Dutch courage flowing through both of them-- but maybe that’s what they needed. [color=D2D518]”You remember Sophomore year? That 80’s dance that the school had? I found some photos of that the other day...I burned them instantly.”[/color] His date-not-date immediately groaned and erupted with laughter. [color=A442AB]"You did the right thing, then. We probably looked atrocious,"[/color] Lanie commented cheerfully, taking a long sip from her beer bottle. [color=A442AB]"The ones we took at prom are forever my favorites though. We looked really good in them, even if it [i]does[/i] look like I'm hiding a basketball under my dress,"[/color] she said with another laugh, referring to the way her form-fitting dress had hugged her 20 week-old pregnant belly back then. [color=D2D518]"You looked great and you know you did. You always do,”[/color] Roddy took a sip from his ice cold beer before leaning back into his chair. It was a strange but wonderful feeling to be able to civilly sit with Lanie and just enjoy each other’s company. His baby blue eyes drank in her beauty and a smile crossed his stubbled face. [color=D2D518]"Besides, you went to prom with a guy in a flipping wheelchair. Just be glad I didn’t wear those blue ruffles like my dad wanted me to.”[/color] Elaine's smile widened, and she let out another nervous little laugh. It had been a while since Roddy had complimented her like this, or looked at her in the way he was doing now. He would always say she looked great and similar things every time she visited, but Lanie knew the difference in tones and intentions when she heard it. And although it should've made her happier than she already was, there was no denying the suspicious feeling starting to creep up on her. What could Roddy possibly be up to? [color=A442AB]"I mean, there was quite a bit of distance from your house to the school, you know? Just because you would've left the house with the ruffles didn't mean they would actually make it to prom,"[/color] she told him with a wink, taking the last sip of beer from her bottle and gesturing to Gary Cleary to bring another round. Rod could feel a slightly flush in his cheeks. This was really the last thing he was expecting when Lanie got back into town. He honestly thought it would just be more of the same hostile civility that had become their norm. He didn’t blame her and he knew it would take a lot for him to get back into her good graces but the butcher's boy was willing to put in the work. Even if nothing came of it romantically, he still held on to the belief that them even being just friends would be the best thing for their baby girl. [color=D2D518]"So, I’ve been thinking… How would you feel about heading back to the old school tonight?”[/color] The school shooting was an interesting topic for Roddy. On the one hand, he got shot and it basically ruined his life. Yet on the other hand, if not for the shooting, Lanie wouldn’t have entered his life, his little princess Rylie wouldn’t have been born and Marco would be his surrogate brother. [color=D2D518]“I overheard that weird goth chick from the cheerleading talking when I went to the bathroom. Apparently a load of people are going there to find out who's behind all this letter business. I’m kinda curious and it’ll be a bit of an adventure.”[/color] Elaine immediately raised her eyebrows at her ex. [i]There[/i] it was. [color=A442AB]"You're not serious,"[/color] she said, scoffing in disbelief as she scanned Roddy's reaction for a 'gotcha!' moment. Was this his idea of a joke? But when she couldn't find any and assumed he was serious, her features hardened into a mask of anger. [color=A442AB]"You’re joking, right? You have [b]got[/b] to be kidding me… Why on Earth would I spend my night snooping around that old building trying to find out who's the creep sending out pages of a dead psychopath's journal?"[/color] she snapped, blazing fury seeping from her words. [color=A442AB]"I read the first few sentences of the first letter I got and I threw it in the fireplace to burn, just like I've done with the rest of them, and just like I hope Decker is doing all the way down in Hell."[/color] Roddy couldn’t say he was surprised by Lanie’s reaction. Hell, any normal person probably would’ve reacted the same. [color=D2D518]"I get it, hundred percent.”[/color] He held mixed feelings towards Decker. They had never had a crossed word between them, if anything he kind of liked the lanky southsider but he still did shoot him, point blank and in the back. He killed friends and hurt people he cared for in such a tremendously awful way. Still, even with all that, Roddy was curious. He had read the letters word for word and Charlie’s feelings and thoughts resonated with him. Maybe his feelings were different to Elaine’s because she wasn’t there. She lost just as much as anyone but she wasn’t [i]there[/i]. [color=D2D518]"I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to upset you or ruin tonight, I don’t know I guess in some way I’m still looking for closure.”[/color] [color=A442AB]"I got all the closure I needed when they dragged him away in a body bag. I don't need to go back there to mess myself up all over again,"[/color] she spat, shooting daggers at her child's father sitting across the table. She knew she was coming across rather callous and insensitive, but it was hard to have any sympathy for a man who had killed your 'big sister', your teammates, your ex-boyfriend's little brother who was like a sibling to you too, and who destroyed her relationship with Decky along with hopes and plans they had for the future. To this day, she still lived with the consequences of what the deranged boy had done. Although Charlie had not physically harmed her, Lanie could never quite fully get over the results of his actions. [color=D2D518]“I can’t begin to understand everything you went through, Lanie and if you don’t need that closure then you’re in a better place than me.”[/color] Roddy still carried that day with him everywhere he went. Every moment he was alive, he felt the weight on his back. Every night he was transported back into that gym, he could feel the burning holes in his back and the blood pooling beneath his body as he watched Charlie just stand resolute and silent. When he blinked he could see the moment Decker was shot down by the police and the look on his face. He wasn’t scared. He wasn’t angry. It was a look he couldn’t describe, it was a look he didn’t fully understand. [color=D2D518]“I can still feel every second of that day. It haunts me. I want to be able to just draw a line under it, but I can’t.”[/color] Tears began to well up in Roddy’s eyes as memories flooded his mind. [color=D2D518]“Maybe something there tonight can help me do that, but I don’t-- [i]I can’t[/i]-- do it without you.”[/color] Roddy's admission and display of vulnerability disarmed her. For as long as Elaine had known the youngest Callahan son, he had always been the type to hold his ground when faced with adversity. There were very few times in which she had ever seen that strength falter, and it had only happened when he felt at his lowest points. It was a trait she had admired about him at first, and him confiding all of these secret feelings in her had only solidified their budding romance. Unfortunately, it was this same resistance to show weakness when he was the pillar of their small family that eventually led to the demise of their relationship. For Roddy to have allowed himself the luxury of exposing himself like this, at this moment in time, meant that he was serious about every word he said. Her former boyfriend was pleading for her help-- and Elaine wouldn’t dream of doing anything other than that. [color=A442AB]"And you won't have to…"[/color] Lanie declared, reaching out to take Roddy's hands in hers and locking her stare with his. The angry fire that had been burning in her eyes had been replaced with one of determination, and an absolute resolve to do what it took to defend the father of her child. [color=A442AB]"I told you I would always be here for you when you need me. And when I said I'd do anything for you, I meant it. No matter what happens, I'll always be in your corner. You don't have to do things alone all the time, Rod. You're not Superman. As much as you would like to, you can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders without collapsing underneath it. Let me help you take some of that weight off you. [b][i]Please[/i][/b]."[/color] Carrying the weight was a familial trait. John Callahan was the strongest man that Roddy had ever known and was someone that he had always aspired to be. Francis Callahan was the bravest man that he knew and if he had half of that courage, Rod would be a different man. For too many years, Roddy had compared himself to his father and to his brother and seeing them be, as Lanie said, supermen was just a fact of life that he had to accept. Then again, neither man had Lanie Lancaster and she was someone that that made it all worthwhile and she was showing why in that moment. [color=D2D518]"Thank you.”[/color] The fighting Irishman looked down at his beer and then back to Lanie. He was ready to face this unknown, especially now that she had made it clear that she was on his side. He grabbed the glass and downed the entire thing. [color=D2D518]“Fuck it, let’s do this.”[/color] There was a strange sense of strength and renewed determination within Lanie as she exited the pub, drove on and arrived at the old school building. She was well aware that the circumstances which she was about to step into were far from ideal. There was a high chance of coming across many people she was either estranged from or did not hold in the highest regard; of having to deal with their nasty looks and snide comments. But, for Roddy, Elaine was willing to let things slide so he could heal and find closure. With their hands tightly interlocked together, the young couple took in a deep breath and stepped into the gym. As their footsteps echoed across the room, an empowered Lanie felt ready to take on any challenge… Until her blue eyes fell on the dark locks, chiseled face and lanky figure of none other than Mordechai Boaz. [color=A442AB][indent][i]I feel like I’m going to be fucking sick…[/i][/indent][/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]