[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-strength-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210504/e3d4ae1e99c9ded212b1844615a6d718.png[/img][/url] [color=ec008c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Obstacle Course, Happy Harbour [color=ec008c][b]Interaction/s:[/b][/color] Zach [@Crimson Flame], Felix [@Prints Avoid], Kassandra [@Mistress Dizzy], Kila [@DClassified][/center] [hr] Aleen'a felt super happy. Her team had shown their approval for her work and it made her feel like she just grew closer to them. They even smiled and did that gesture where they stuck their thumb up, she assumed it meant she did a good job. If so, Aleen'a was so happy that she could literally fly but she had to restrain herself when she remembered Green Arrow's rules. Things would have been so easier if she could fly but she guessed it was to make things fair. They could be judging her based on her abilities and how she faired well with working with other people. At least they weren't as brutal as the Warlords. All of them took their training seriously so every day was just as brutal and taxing as the previous one. Unlike before, her kin was determined not to be invaded and enslaved again by the Citadel or by any other race so she very much admired everyone's determination and hard work. Still, just remembering her time spent there made her whole body sore. Nevertheless, the Tamaranean happily skipped along with the group to the next obstacle. This time, it was a huge gap with these bars on top of it. There was no other way to cross it and her suspicions about the bar were correct when her teammates used it to cross to the other side. Some of them were fast while some took some time. Still, she really admired their determination and hard work as well. [color=ec008c]"Wow! You are all incredit-ball! Go team!"[/color] Aleen'a happily cheered for her teammates. The two boys who went before them kept calling Zachary a 'speech devil', making Aleen'a imagine a red-skinned being with horns and a forked tail giving speeches. She also thought this might be some sort of, as they would call it, a figure of their speech. It must be like back home in Tamaran but would the terms they're saying can also be considered a figure of the speech? How could one even tell the shape of a speech anyway? She got so lost in thought that she didn't realize she was the only one left as the others had already crossed the bars. It was a good thing the others went before her so she could know what to do. She grabbed on one bar and unto the next one, going slow at first until she could get the hang of it. [color=ec008c]"Oh! So it is just like that!"[/color] Aleen'a said like she had a eureka moment. She managed to swing across the bars while laughing happily like an excited little child until she crossed the gap and happily skipped again to join her group. [color=ec008c]"That is so much fun! Let us do it agai- Oh?"[/color] She just noticed the other team lead by Black Canary on the other side of the obstacle course and going over the obstacles like Aleen'a's group. [color=ec008c]I am confused? Why are they also doing that? I thought they were doing something else? Should we help them or...?"[/color] Aleen'a asked.