[center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/873479307715051540/image.png[/img] [sub][color=goldenrod]Interaction[/color] | The Arrow’s Team Aleen’a or [@baraquiel] Kassandra or [@Mistress Dizzy] Felix or [@Prints Avoid] Zatara or [@Crimson Flame] [color=goldenrod]Location[/color] | Happy Harbour [/sub][/center][hr] Kila watched each of them as they followed, noting each of their particular ways of getting across. Which, they worked through it more regularly than he did, granted he was rushing to account for lost time. That was when he heard ‘Ja’ come from Felix’s mouth and Kila’s eyes narrowed. More recently he had been hearing his Amai’s nickname for him continue to spill from the mouth of more people. It irked him that someone else decided to start calling him that and somehow it started to catch on. However, his reservations about the name could wait for another time. Instead, he turned his head to Kassandra as she complimented his agility. The boy shrugged, unsure as to how to respond at first. He hadn’t received many compliments on his skill before. [color=goldenrod]”It comes from much practice...but...thank you.”[/color] He responded quietly with a pause, eyeing Zach as he got across. Unamused by the nickname about as much as he was by everything else the magician had displayed so far, Kila almost replied. However, Aleen’a’s phrase caught his attention. Turning around to actually look in the direction of the remaining obstacles, the Meta’s eyes narrowed. As it seemed, because of the wait time that was required of the princess’ wall breaking feat, they decided they were taking too long. So instead of waiting and chastising them afterwards, they’d humiliate their efforts by not even allowing them to finish. However, given the Canary’s reputation, he felt he shouldn’t be surprised even if she had a friendship with his Amai. [color=goldenrod]”No, we should not, Princess.”[/color] Focusing his efforts on what Zach had asked him, Kila pointed back to the monkey bars behind him. [color=goldenrod]“You have magical power over objects...? Tell those bars to become an extension ladder and I’ll take care of this pit.”[/color]