[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xYNz5Y2DKS83pKct9KXUY-PvT56r7LfcBYOL5o7bjPM/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/210424/1aacb67ba4eb5c934f204d6669b28a48.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=CornflowerBlue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Happy Harbour [color=CornflowerBlue][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] Viktor ([@FunnyGuy]), Daphne ([@dreamingflowers]), Talon ([@Courtaud]) [/center][hr] When Viktor clapped at her and held out his hand, telling her to stop, Alisa rooted herself in place. She was a bit confused. Did he have a better idea? She had thought flipping the tires was pretty good, but if he had something faster… [color=CornflowerBlue][i]Oh![/i][/color] Alisa smiled big and gave a thumbs-up to Viktor as he rolled the tire towards her. This [i]was[/i] much better. And faster. As the tire rolled towards her, she stopped it with her hands, hefted it onto her shoulder, and put it on the pole with the other tire. They repeated the process of Viktor rolling the tire over to her and then Alisa hefting it onto the pole four more times until all the tires were on the pole. Alisa stood back to admire their work for a moment. It hadn’t taken very long- a perk of having super strength was, well, [i]super strength[/i]. Viktor and she were strong, although she wasn't sure who was stronger. Maybe they'd have an arm-wrestling match later! Although given Viktor's stoic personality, she wasn't sure he'd agree. With the tires finished, Alisa waved Talon, Casper, and Daphne over and began to jog towards the hole. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]Now how are we going to cross that?[/i][/color] While Alisa and Viktor were strong, none of them could actually fly. Maybe they could throw the rest across? The monkey bars didn’t look like they’d be an issue since the other team was in the process of crossing them and they’d probably meet up in between the two obstacles. Well. Since she couldn’t speak, it was Daphne’s choice. She looked expectantly at the other girl as they got to the gap, waiting for instructions.