[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G9xaVXn.png[/img] [color=000000][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 💀 Happy Harbour. [color=000000][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 💀 [@dreamingflowers] 💀 [@Courtaud] 💀 [@FunnyGuy] 💀 [@canaryrose] [/center] [hr] The absence of life, Casper’s magic had strangled the breath of nature from every straw of grass. What remained was little more than remnants of the past, particles floating upon an incoming breeze. It was different from scorched earth, different from a withered plant. Rather, as Talon’s fingers traced the aftermath of Hex’s magic, his digits found themselves shrouded in dust, a cold and deathly echo lingering within the dirt, as if the very air had been replaced by emptiness. A poetic individual might have asked themselves if this was how Casper felt on the daily, if the infinite void left by his magic was a reflection of the boy himself. Would vegetation ever return to the spot he had defiled, the small area now negating nature's beauty? A resounding no. However, of this, Casper was aware. Perhaps with enough care and a shovel, one could amputate the dead earth, giving way for new life. Yes, it was an option. However, the Wraithborn’s attention could not linger on what had been. On his mistake. Rather, attention had shifted towards Daphne, Alisa, Talon, and Viktor. They had moved on, and so would Hex, and there was indeed pride involved in this development. Daphne, their leader, was performing admirably. It was quite clear that the young woman had been struggling, her instructions appearing somewhat unsure, and her actions confessing to insecurity. She did not let this deter her. No, like a blooming flower she persisted, pushing through adversity with the help of her team, brawn taking center stage. It was a display Casper would never be able to echo, a feat of strength he admired. The scrawny creature left much to be desired, his altered biology robbing the boy of what a young man like himself would otherwise possess. It was akin to someone combating an illness, a constant barrier between himself and physical prowess. Lowering his gaze to those tires, memories of earlier shone bright. Kila’s eyes drilling into the Wraith at his question, Victor’s inevitable disappointment in what Casper had to offer, and Talon’s physical mastery demanding a somewhat daunting prospect. How ironic, then, that something so physically inept possessed such deadly power. Even so, no matter Casper’s Necromantic aptitude, he found himself useless in this particular sequence. Again, irony struck. A boy, a creature, an entity with the power of death coursing through him wasn’t able to move a tire. The thought caused an inner chuckle, a mellow smile crossing Casper’s lips as he watched Alisa and Victor. The more he witnessed interaction with the world around them using strength and limbs, the more Casper was reminded that he wasn’t of this realm, that his strength didn’t come in the shape of muscles. Flapping feathery wings, Coal flew to the other side of the pit, beady eyes peering into the hole. The darkness within, it looked almost comfortable, especially as Casper had spent an entire morning in the sun. It was difficult to explain exactly how he registered darkness, those spectral eyes allowing full sight in even magical blackness. It was different, and yet the same. It was like seeing during daylight, if the sun was the moon. An odd explanation, to say the least. However, speaking of oddities. Who had dug this pit, and when? Let it never be said that Black Canary and her compatriot weren’t effective. Green Arrow may have come off as a whimsical relief, but tales of his exploits stretched far and wide. Additionally, the man was an original member of the Justice League, something speaking volumes in itself. Turning back to Daphne, Hex nodded his head. Being thrown wasn’t the most appealing idea, nor a glamorous sight, but it was effective. Luckily, Casper did not hold onto pride. He left that for the living to fight one another in pursuit of. As such, it did not take long before the Wraith took to the air, Viktor’s strength coming into play once more. Only moments following this peculiar development, Casper’s shape vanished in a cloak of Necrotic energy, all before manifesting once more on the other side of the obstacle, his dark magic reshaping Hex into a physical state. Adjusting his scarf, the boy felt how Coal’s talons landed on his shoulder, again. Soon, they would meet with the remaining crew, with the [i]extended family.[/i] A simple turn of his head revealed them crossing the monkey bars, another obstacle where Casper’s abilities offered no synergy with his group. It was almost awkward, but as eyes met the incoming team, phantasmal orbs narrowed their attention on Zach. How had he been getting along with his half? Casper was aware of how difficult it could be for the magician to make friends, and while he had himself to blame, few people ever allowed themselves to see past the facade. Weights were placed upon Zach’s shoulders, but getting them acknowledged was an issue in itself. Hex pitied the boy, but knew all too well that his presence was less than preferred if choices were presented. Clawed hands slid into the young Wraith’s pockets, his focus replacing one team with the other, now aiming sights at his own.