[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210317/555075298c0c78a898e1208734a75eee.png[/img][Right]April 10th, Whereabouts unknown.[/Right][hr] What was up with this hand? Four high schoolers could only slow it down, and the hits from the redhead and the green haired girl seemed to have no effect on it. The black hands continued pulling with no signs of stopping. Trying desperately to think of an idea that could stop this thing, he considered his surroundings. Or, at least he would have, if he had the time. Without warning, the black hand reared up, and yanked all four of the students into the blackened mirror. At first, there was only a black nothingness, but that soon gave way as the four tumbled into another room. The room seemed devoid of anything, except for what looked like a path forward into the unknown. He noticed the black hands still had a grip on his fellow student, but seemed to have stopped dragging them all for now. Just then, a flash of blue caught his attention, and as he looked over towards it, he could see what looked like blue fire, albeit only for a second. In its place stood a blonde woman with cat ears. The hell was this? Before his brain could even begin to process his surroundings, the woman shouted. Lore-something. And behind her, some sort of transparent ghost lady appeared out of seemingly nowhere, only to just as suddenly send out several icicles at the hand, which seemed to have sent it scurrying. Hoping that the danger had passed for now, Genki let go of the redhead. Letting out a sigh, he looked to the strange woman. And just as he was about to speak, Hoshino let loose a verbal tsunami of angry words. Though there was something a little off about him now. He was dressed differently, and his eyes looked weird. Genki looked down at himself and the other two that were dragged in. They all still had their uniforms on. As the furious onslaught of verbal weapons continued, it seemed Hoshino knew this cat lady, saying things like "What part of 'I don't want to do this again' do you not understand?!" Or when she called him "Her devil". As the conversation came to a slow, Genki decided now would be the best time to interject. [color=ed1c24]"Look lady, I don't know who you are, where we're at, or what's even happening. I think some sort of explanation is in order if we're going to be staying around."[/color] His eyes flickered over towards the way they came. The mirror was still there. [color=ed1c24]"Actually, hold on a second."[/color] Genki jumped up and thrust his hand on the glass. It didn't feel like glass anymore. It felt like... gritty stone. Nothing seemed to happen. [color=ed1c24]"Damn."[/color] He turned back around, defeated. Looks like his adventure into wonderland was just getting started. A cat turning into a lady, magic ice ghosts, a big hand thing, and an interdimensional mirror. This was all just... some sort of fever dream. Somebody put psychedelics in his food or something, it was the only way his brain could make any sense of this.[hr] [right]Interacting with:[@Hero][@Asura][@Scribe of Thoth][@RiverMaiden][/right]