[b] San Francisco - near 3rd street [/b] While walking, Alexis put on her headphones, listening to the new announcement from the President or the racist idiot as she used to call him. [quote=Live News][color=green] “Altered humans will be required to declare their status on their driver license or whatever form of ID they have, Altered humans will NOT be allowed to be sold or consume alcoholic beverages due to the danger of superhumans being intoxicated, Altered humans will not be allowed to consume marijuana or any illicit drugs for the same reasons as their ban on alcohol consumption, Altered humans will have a curfew and will not be permitted to be roaming the streets from the hours of 10PM to 8AM under no exceptions, Altered humans will not be allowed to be present at any educational facility including all schools & college’s neither as student or faculty regardless of age. Altered humans will not be allowed to use their abilities in public for any reason or face federal prosecution. Altered humans will not be allowed to utilize their powers during the the commission of any business or financial activities. Altered Humans will be temporarily barred from certain profession’s where their inclusion right now is detrimental including law enforcement, practicing law, all forms of medical practice, the educational system. Altered humans are not considered a protected class like race, religion & gender and can be banned or removed from any private or public business for safety measures without warning at will. Altered Humans are banned from using all forms of public transportation including privately owned such as Uber & Lyft. Altered humans are not allowed to engage in ownership or possession of guns or other weaponry.” [/color] [/quote] As soon as it ended, Alexis started swearing to herself. "[color=gold] What the hell is that guy thinking? That bullshit will make people fall in-line to the Reaper. Another idiot. Can't they just leave us alone? I don't give a flying f**k who has powers and who hasn't. Who cares? [/color]" [i] Idiots [/i]. An idea was starting to form in Alexis's mind. Leave. No other country seemed to have problems with Altered Humans, why wouldn't she leave? Nothing kept her here. No point in staying and if she'd managed to take Nafisa with her this time around, ok, if not, then it's her life. Her choices. Why would Alexis even care? Nafisa, nor her parents tried to get in contact or called the police when Alexis left. No one cared about her, why would she? As she'd continue with her contemplation moment, she bummed into someone. Quickly saying her apologies or in other words a rude "What where you're going" she realized something. She was already on the 3rd street. Lucky. Looking around nothing popped as "not normal" for her, until she saw the posters with her face on them or better said, with Nafisa's face on them and below it, some writing : "Wanted for multiple criminal practices including drug distribution and grand theft - Real name unknown, known as Angel on the streets - Call 234-631 with any information about the whereabouts of this dangerous criminal." Without realizing she did it, she put her hoodie on. Trying to hide her face. If posters like this were hanged randomly thoughout the city, that means the internet was buzzing with it and that means, people might think she's the dangerous criminal. How didn't she see anything? After hiding as much as possible on an alleyway, she took her phone and spent about an hour looking all over the internet about the supposed Angel. Still, her sister wanted by law? That was shocking. Finally, she caught a lucky break. An old comment on a supposed-sighting video, from a worker at a local FEMA camp. Doing her best to stay hidden, she navigated the streets walking towards the FEMA camp.