[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G9xaVXn.png[/img] [color=000000][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 💀 Happy Harbour. [color=000000][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 💀 No one in particular. [/center] [hr] What else had he expected? Since arriving at mount justice, the boy repeatedly stepped outside his comfort zone but nothing quite like this. It was a reminder, an indicator. Casper was not a helping hand, it quite blatantly opposed his very biology. Those clawed digits were not designed to aid another, and no strength followed their movements. They were weavers of necromancy, and nothing else. Needled threading the weave. A Wraithborn seeking to assist a friend by physical means seemed almost unnatural, but Casper was willing to try. It was a mistake. Though the boy’s heart was in the right place, hindsight sang another song. Casper’s inclusion had added to Daphne’s panic, which in turn pushed the scenario into chaos. Indeed, Hex had needlessly put himself at a disadvantage. How his father would have scowled. [i]’We are warlocks, getting our hands dirty is beneath us.’[/i] Clenching his teeth, Casper retreated a short distance from the scene as it was playing out. Kassandra, Kila, Daphne, Alisa, far too many people involved themselves in this. Tactics were discarded the moment Casper was first to respond, his attempt at living up to the team spirit backfiring. Had he actually managed to grab hold of Talon more effectively, what then? The Wraithborn most certainly wouldn’t have been able to pull him up. Despite a less than preferable outcome, the scenario had mellowed into something reminiscent of success. However, some damage would likely remain. Talon’s pride had certainly taken a massive blow, Kila abandoned his otherwise mission-oriented goals, and Daphne was having a breakdown. Shifting his gaze towards Kassandra, the boy took note of her assertive approach, something that may very well come back to haunt her insecurities later. Was this a learning experience, or something that would end up leaving scars? Taking a moment to look at Aleen’a and Zach, it was clear who could have helped Talon in the blink of an eye. Casper was not so narrow-minded as to expect Black Canary and Green Arrow to retain their unconventional rules considering the circumstances, and the team, those who attempted to help, would likely get a pat on the back. ‘Congratulations for abandoning whatever regulations had been put forth to save an ally in distress.’ Even so, had Casper taken a moment to consider the outcome, he would have done this differently. The boy would not extend his claws, but rather, he would have called out for Zach. With hands free and attention now on Daphne, Hex would further have been able to calm her down, or at the very least make an attempt. This was, however, what people referred to when claiming that in the heat of conflict, one cannot sit back and slowly consider options. Mistakes were going to be made, and they certainly were. Shade, it was what Casper wanted. A reclusive moment away from an unyielding sun. Luckily, they were in a forest, and finding a good tree to sit beneath was a task far easier than previous experiences. Spectral eyes lowered to the dirt covering Casper’s claws, a swift wave of darkness passing over them causing remnants of life to flake away and disappear. “Well, that was a shitshow,” Coal spoke, remaining on Casper’s shoulder. [color=FFE4C4]”Yeah..,”[/color] came a response, Hex’s gaze lingering upon Daphne where he sat, beneath a large, comfortable tree. Was she still crying? Alisa was with her. In this case, three very much was a crowd, recalling Coal’s earlier question. “Ah, well, you did the right thing.” The bird stretched, nudging Casper with his beak. [color=FFE4C4]”No, I thought the right thing..,”[/color] a correction, [color=FFE4C4]”I did it wrong..”[/color] There was a shrug before Coal motioned at the others with a wing. “It’s whatever, Cassy’,” he began. “Shouldn’t you try to console the Plant?” A short pause lingered before Hex leaned back against the tree trunk. [color=FFE4C4]”I think she’d feel crowded..,”[/color] his eyes shifted to Talon. [color=FFE4C4]”And I don’t think he’d appreciate being consoled in front of the others..,”[/color] claws rose to casually motion at Jack, in the distance. “The living are difficult,” Coal chuckled, “say, remember what it was like being alive? It was only.., a few months ago, wasn’t it?” Hex took a moment to consider his close friend’s question, a frown bridging itself across his features. Mere months had passed, and yet.., [color=FFE4C4]”no..”[/color]