Being in class atm, I can't really give a long response to Jorick's points now. I could come back after and give a longer one if need be, but the overall idea/message of that long response can be wrapped up pretty quickly anyways. So I'll just leave this short response and only expand on it if asked to. TLDT: All of Jorick's points seem to be correct, logical and makes sense from a legal and rights standpoint. It is precisely arguments like these that has caused me to halt and take another look at my stance on the topic of Abortion. From a purely logical, legal and rational standpoint I have nothing to challenge the argument with. My only possible arguments against it would be moral based and founded ones. That would be isn't it flawed/misplaced in the first place that we as society value things such as property, effort and body rights above the lives of other human beings? In cases such as organ donation, eating to live etc. I mean, considering everything we value, want and do depends on being alive why is being alive so low on the list of priorities? This is a separate topic altogether mind you, but one which end decision directly influences people stances and the legal stance on Abortion. -Note: Stuff like this is why I commonly take part in these debates. Either I'm on the right track and can help others and/or expand my own knowledge. Or can be exposed to far better argument's and points that I have, learn from them and change my stance and viewpoint accordingly.