[b]San Francisco, California - Jace Williams - Hideout[/b] It was time for another video, the vigilante thought to himself while counting some blood drenched money. This was unsanitary but it wasn’t as if he was going to dunk the bills in water to clean the spilled blood off of them. He couldn’t risk ruining these crisp bills he earned from the dusty hands of narcotics dealers. There was a time in his life when he supposed that roaming the streets with pockets and bags full of drugs to earn cash for his family was a honest living. It seemed so easy to justify when you were born on the wrong side of the street. He decided to clean up an area In the corner and set up his camera. He made sure there was nothing incriminating in the back-drop before he positioned himself to start recoding. His consulting business was his bread & butter, that hadn’t changed, But becoming a YouTuber and building up his channel was starting to bring in the type of revenue he desired. Within a few moments he was up on the screen addressing his audience. “Hello your tuning in for another episode of Major Mula with Jace.” He stared straight into the camera with a smile etched on his face as he completed an introduction his audience was familiar with. “Last episode were talking about some pretty neat stuff. As always I instruct people to take notes and figure out of the things we talk about what will be the easiest to apply to your own life. Business Credit is something you want & need to develop. Unlike personal credit, when utilizing the business version, you can attain far more funding with less limits. One of the reasons of course is it’s for an operation rather than a personal venture. An operation that consists in you deriving income form your customers, as a business you will experience heavier cash flow than a personal individual. Thus banks & financial institutions feel far more secure about loaning the money to you in the first place. After-all them giving you money to use as additional capital for your company is far likelier to end up back in their hands with interest.” Jace continued with this episode now in full swing. It wasn’t long before he completed the actual episode. He’d dished out some heathy advice about further building your business credit, net 30/net terms, and business credit cards. After finishing the visual recording of the base material, he uploaded the rough draft of the footage to his laptop. From there he started, or rather continued by beginning to work on the editing aspect. He didn’t plan on lingering around at this safe house much longer, but he had something pertinent coming up. He wanted to conduct this next risky business at the safe house. He felt there wasn’t a place safer he could go or include so this was it. As the clock ticked he noticed the speedier flutter of his heart indicating he was starting to get a little nervous as thehe time was coming for his next meeting. [I]Guess I’m gonna find out the truth any minute now, whether she plans on crossing me or not. [/I] [b] San Francisco, - Liquid Paradise - Floyd Banker[/b] After a few beers Floyd had a taste for something else aside from Mexican alcohol. Seeing the new laws was concerting for him, enough so that he’d logged into twitter to poke around the app. He’d read tweets about the military setting up post around the country at places with heavy foot traffic. He read tweets about people complaining that the military was starting to stop them, ask to see their ID’s, and forcing them to submit to blood tests if they refused. He’d already told Darius he wasn’t too concerned, and that the level of nervousness he had was the same amount as when he had an upcoming drug test whilst he was still on probation. While that comparison was somewhat accurate, the feeling of pending danger of being exposed was much greater. On one hand failing a probation drug test almost certainly meant jail time which was somewhat he dreaded with every fiber of his being. On the other hand being labeled an Altered human right the current political climate was worst then being inducted into the hall of Felons. “Earth to Floyd my boy, It’s okay to be scared. Damn you ain’t gotta lie to me ha ha.” Darius finished as he took another swig from his beer. He was on his fifth one, unlike Floyd who’d stopped at his third. “So having powers ain’t the best thing in the world for once huh, sucks to suck.” Darius teased earning him a death glare from Floyd. Darius instantly felt some regret for joking about the situation knowing the consequences of the testing where dire. “Right that was too far man I admit it, I ain’t mean to come at you like that. It’s not funny, I know you hate being at cells. You remember that time you got locked up and you had my number, musta called me bout 13 times after you was done getting processed talk bout c’mon and hurry up with the gudda gudda before they transport my ass to gen pop.” Darius once again couldn’t help but poke fun at Floyd’s situation. Humor was the tool he relied on to dissolve tension in almost any situation, and he had the same dark humor towards impending danger for his own circumstances. “Look man I get it this you, this what you do. But that Ain’t me okay, yeah I lied bruh I’m fucking scared. This ain’t no state shit or even fed charges, this is super federal. And don’t make no super trapper jokes either, like this shit real deal the out here going around setting up post testing folks. Imma have to really stay in the crib if I wanna avoid them, and that’s if they don’t have soldiers out knocking door to door looking for motherfuckers to see if they took this test.” Floyd finally confessed to his friend at the bar counter. In all reality he was shook by the circumstances developing around the nation, even with his innate ability to fade from sight. Sure he could move un-disturbed around all manner of goons and get away from the boys in blue with more ease than usual. But the United States Military, they pursued terrorists & war-lords across international borders. They defused & destroyed continent spanning drug cartels. He was confident in the edge his powers gave him with the cops, but not the full force of the military. “I get it, I ain’t going this some shit, it’s like they dropping Jim Crow Laws on y’all.” Darius responsed as he downed the contents of another beer. “Man yeah shit you shouldn’t even say y’all, you don’t think it’s convenient that only black people, well all minorities only getting power. You really think ain’t no white people getting powers, hell nah they just not reporting it. “ Floyd decided going into a bit of conspiracy mode refusing to believe the media that so far no white people had been reported with powers. “Shit so you thinking they just using this to be able to come after all of us?” “I mean shit hell yeah, why else they doing it like this. It’s just like drugs, as a whole we be doing less yet we be getting nabbed em with more. It’s probably the same thing with powers, they going after people they don’t trust that they scared of with powers. Like Forrester really pulling the martial law shit, because what a school got sank, yeah that’s bad but think about all the bad shit that’s been going down there since them first two crazy boys.” Floyd retorted once again feeling he was being singled out because of the color of his skin and no better reason. “I mean I feel where the fuck you coming from, and Forrester is giving me real I’m superior vibes, but ain’t know way he planned this Energy Storm, all this shit you sound crazy, hella motherfuckers died, he’s going away forever if he did some like that.” “Psshhhh I do’t think he can or it woulda only hit our neighborhoods. I think he’s just taking real damn good advantage of the situation though.” Floyd responded finally lighting back his weed as he stared at the television screen. After enjoying there time a little bit more, they’d decided to get some dances. But there celebration and ignoring of the dark events in the world came to a sharp halt. A well dressed black man in suit had entered with two bigger gentlemen who looked like they were human tanks. Some people in the club quickly recognized the man with the slimmer built as Lionel Smith. A notorious dealer who’d been trying to claim territory all the way from Oakland to San Francisco. He already had a fierce reputation in the past, but word on the street was he gained a power that made him even more of a fierce menace than before. His order was clear he wanted a piece of everyone’s piece that was getting a good pie. Refusal to comply was met with an up close & personal introduction to his newfound powers. At first Floyd hadn’t noticed Lionel’s entrance in the club but quickly groaned when he did. [I] This the last thing I need right now, on top of Forrester’s bullshit [/I] “Aye what t do Mistah Smith.” “Don’t misty smith me Banker, you know why the fuck I’m here. You boys come up here from Atlanta and think you can just run shit without checking in & paying dues.” Lionel retorted with venom in his mouth, Floyd could see the other two men behind him had semi automatic weapons at their hip. Their entrance into the club was made with an increase in tension, and although the music was still blaring the girls that were getting him & Darius lap dances had skedaddled not wanting to be in the middle of any confrontation with Lionel Smith. Darius himself seemed a bit nervous, as if he had some indication of what gift the energy storm had imbued him. “Ah man look my mans here Floyd is high and a lil crazy all the time, you just gotta review the terms with him and I’m sure he ain’t looking for no trouble ain’t that right Floyd.” Darius asked nervously indicating that he thought Floyd should play ball and not start anything with Lionel especially in one of their favorite establishments. “Man look I already told you, I ain’t paying shit nada nothing comprende commmmmprende.” Floyd said his poor attempt at espanol slower the second time as if Lionel was mentally slow. This caused one of his grunts to reach for his gun electing two yelps from two girls in the corner of the club, but Lionel stretched out his hand to stop him. “Naw naw this guy’s a wise talker, guys like him need to meet the Metal Man, it’s the only way to get them to really understand that paying is NOT an option. You wanna meet the metal man Floyd since your firm on your position not to pay right?” Lionel asked getting up closer in Floyd’s personal space. Darius slowly stood up out his seat backing away. As one of the grunts reached for his shoulder Lionel waved him down. “Let him go unlike this punk he’s got respect, my beef is with him, no need to hurt pretty boy, he seems like he’s already pissing in his pants when he seen us walk over.” “I mea I ain’t pissing in my pants, I’m just saying I don’t think anyone here wants to meet Metal Man.” Darius interjected weekly to no avail seeing that a confrontation was inevitably brewing at the counter. “Oh tell Metal Man I said FUCK YOU” Floyd had lept out his seat landing a sneak punch on Lionel sending him stumbling backwards into a bar stool. The thug yelp as he slid into the bar stool colliding against the metallic chair and slamming his back into the counter wall. “Oh you cheap ass bitch ass motherfucker, I was just finna teach you a lesson, maybe break a few fingers but now I’m finna crack yo back in half if not damn near kill you.” Lionel groaned getting up this time his grunts hadn’t reached for their weapons which shocked Floyd who was almost about to whip out his own firearm. Lionel cracked his knuckles together and laughed as his entire skin became coated in thick metallic metal. “Oh…shit….that’s Metal Man.” Floyd said loosing a bit of is swagger & bravado at seeing his enemy’s power. [I] Ah shit I just talked shit & picked a fight with Colossus [/I\ Darius noticed Floyds facial expression at seeing Lionel’s elemental transition to a far more damaging form and face-palmed at his friend’s stupidity. He looked around to see if there was anything he could do but he had left his gun in the car and it didn’t look like a 9mm would do anything to Lionel in this state. “Damn it Floyd.” “Oh so you ain’t got shit to say huh, well since we fighting let me return the fucking favor.” Lionel lunged forward grabbing Floyd and throwing him effortlessly. Floyd was flung backwards clutching his nike bag as he slammed into a drink machine groaning in pain as he collided with the metallic drink dispenser. Just as he was getting up Lionel continued his relentless assault picking up a bar stool and flinging it at Floyd. Upon connectiong with him it drew blood and smacked Floyd down onto the bar counter causing him to scream out curse words. “OH come on bruh keep talking, why don’t you throw another one of those punches. Come on right here I won’t even dodge.” Lionel stopped to taunt Floyd pointing his metallic face at his cheek motioning for Floyd to hit him. Floyd finally got up slinging his bag around his neck as he looked up at Lionel furious. “Bruh you tore my fucking bag, man fuck this shit metal man or not I’m finna whoop yo ass.” The two grunts that accompanied Lionel burst out into laughter, while others in the club figured that Floyd had suffered brain damage from the brutal beatdown Lionel had already started to deliver. As Lionel himself chuckled he rushed towards Floyd grabbing him and open palming him causing him to cough up blood as it sent him sprawling through th air and crashing into the glass counter. Floyd screamed out in pain struggling to get up as Lionel was marching towards him. “Right I’m finna show you why you going PAY if you still alive today.”” “F…Fuck…this.” Floyd muttered spitting some blood out his mouth as Lionel neared him. Right as Lionel went to throw a blow, this time a punch which if connected would surely shatter bones. Floyd’s own skin became encased in metallic coating allowing him to block Lionel’s punch and he delivered a powerful knee to his chest then lunged forward elbowing Lionel in the nose. As they were both metallic armored warriors the were even footing the elbow causing an audible crack to be heard from Lionel’s nose as he stumbled backwards. “What the fuck!? You do what I do, the fuck. Ion even give a fuck that don’t hardly make us even I’m finna whoop yo ass.” Lionel looked up and noticed Floyd was nowhere to seen. He turned right and left looking around the club unable to spot him. “Where the fuck?” “ARGH UGH” The sounds of his two grunts yelling in pain was heard as Floyd elbowed one in the back and kicked the other sending him sprawling into the counter. Both grunts were taken down with single blows, Floyd grabbed the gun from the first grunt whom he’d elbowed tossing it to Darius. “Go on get the fuck outta here I’ll meet you outside get the car going.” “Y’all boys ain’t going no DAMN Where”! Lionel stomped down and began marching over to Darius only to get hit by a flung bar-stool. Lionel raised his hands to defend himself as Floyd threw four more bar-stools in a row allowing Darius to jet past him and out the front door. Enraged with the delay tactic Lionel charged Floyd who parlayed out the way and responded with a round house kick to Lionel’s back sending him crumbling into a door to the private dancer room. The sound of shattering glass was heard as he was captaluted through the door. [I] Yo this is fucking crazy I’m made of metal fuck that’s not what I meant to do, but I ain’t complaining [/I] That brief train of thought being surprised about his situation had allowed Lionel to finally retaliate running put o him punching him in the chest, then delivering a few more blows to his chest. “Enough” Floyd kicked Lionel in the metal nuts, which seemed to have the same effect as without metal coating since they both had it. Lionel groaned in pain practically yelling as he stumbled back, Floyd caused his right hand to be enveloped in a blue flame and he unleashed a spray of flame at Lionel blasting him into the wall and spreading fire through the bar. The combination of the two metal men dusking it out and now the stream of fire being launched had caused a mini-stampede as passengers rushed out. “ GO TO HELL.” Floyd yelled out as the color of the flames changed to blue indicating a hotter flame as Floyd unleashed a second more potent column of flame on Cornell blasting him into the wall and setting the walls around him ablaze as well as the roof above him. The sound of a horn honking was heard loudly outside, and Floyd noticed the last blast of blue fire had caused his metal coating to evaporate. “Shit” Taking this as his moment to escape he rushed out the front door pushing a stripper to the ground behind him. Ignoring her cries of pain from being pushed to the hard floor he burst out the front doors seeing Darius had pulled pu in hi sca. “LETS GO!!!!” “You ain’t metal skin no more?”! Darius asked highly concerned that if Lionel made it outside he’d got torn in half. “BRUH NO!!!! DRIVE!!!!” Floyd still gripping his nike bag hopped into the passenger seat as Darius slammed his foot on the gas swerving out the parking lot and taking off from Liquid Paradise. In the rear view mirror he could see billows of smoke rising from part of the roof thanks to the flames Floyd had shot out. He looked into the passenger seat mirror to check on his skin which was back to it’s regular dark brown hue as he leaned back in the seat. He had just noticed he was now covered in sweat & breathing extremely heavily as if he’d just been running on a treadmill for 45 minutes right after football & basketball practice back to back.