[center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] As confusing a conclusion as it was at least the Tower floor was more or less cleared, throwing the two groups back to their inn. A perfect time for Kanbaru to release a sigh from the day's trials and promptly stiffen as a wash of electricity shot up her arm and did it's level best to make her heavy hair shoot out like a silver sea urchin. Far from a lethal shock and done more as a protest to still possessing her, the Serei card seemed keen to make her displeasure known in spite of all threats made against it. [color=cyan]"Guh, what a headache I've picked. And don't think I didn't notice you trying to jump ship."[/color] Kanbaru grumbled, a intensely baleful eye turned her spectral companion, the faint curdle of disgust brewing in her gut at it's moment of telling cowardice. She dismissed the feeling and the nun with a grunt, instead plastering on a wan smile as Annabel marched up to ask for her card back. [color=cyan]"Hmm, you want the card back. Somehow I don't think you'd be returning anything if the situations were reversed, and frankly, you owe me for poaching Riku like that. I had her dead to rights and you freed her from me. So I'mma sit on this card for a bit and think on it more in the morning."[/color] With a careless shrug the whale made to move past her, pausing briefly to whisper in her ear, [color=cyan]"Unless you have something to make me feel more....generous~"[/color] With an airy laugh to the room and a wave to Ami and company she mounted the stairs to the private rooms with a stride unbroken by Castle rising from her shadow to deliver a message. Curious but not entirely not unexpected given who weird Akiko was about it. [color=cyan]"Sure, sure. I'll be waiting for your call, kitty."[/color] By that she meant she'd be waiting outside Akiko's door, eyes dancing merrily as she heard the raunchy dealings of a knightly Serei and her cat girl summoner. [color=cyan][i]And I thought I was the horny one here![/i][/color]