[Center][Img]https://www.ebony.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/omari_caro_original_57419.jpg[/Img][/center] [Center][Img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/caa241bb2d585997f1a0c0c1d82ea631.png[/img][/center] [Color=crimson]Time:[/color] Late Morning [Color=Crimson]Location:[/color] FEMA Camp, San Francisco [Color=crimson]Interaction:[/color] [hr] The tent city that was the FEMA camp was graced with the arrival of Marcus, who had low yellow flames dancing along his clothing. He certainly made an entrance as many eyes drew to the man on fire that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. His appearance definitely screamed altered human as he was unphased by the flames that extinguished with a few pats of the hands. He adjusted his collar to further exemplify his swagger while maintaining a stoic expression. Looking around at the camp's occupants, he silently judged them. [Color=crimson][i]Helpless… but desperate.[/i][/color] [Color=crimson]"LISTEN UP! I hope y'all can hear me because I gotta good ass offer! Real good! It'll keep you fed with some good food, or be enough to get you something you need!"[/color] Marcus started to pace. He needed to make this fast. [Color=crimson]"10 grand! 10 racks! Whatever you call ten thousand dollars is what I'm paying for anyone who can lead me to the notorious Angel!"[/color] [@AliceFalling][@Timemaster][@Bai Suzhen]