[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210530/727d54ef983e4c62eccae6eb30af7fd5.png[/img] [hr] Last night had been terrible. Michele had had a bad nightmare and she was instantly relieved when she woke up and realized she was safely tucked in on her bed. The young woman lay there for a moment as she reflected on the nightmare she’d just woken up from. It was zombies again, and this time they were gaining on her as her friends had left her behind. Who would do that? Not friends she’d keep around, that was for sure. Michele then pushed the covers aside and sat up, taking a moment to stretch before heading to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, Michele looked at herself with an unamused expression on her face. Her hair was wild, more so than the average person’s when they woke up. She had tried numerous hair products in the past, and she had also talked to various stylists too, but nothing helped tame it. Michele remembered being a young teen and having her hair morph into a frizzy mess, and ever since, it’s been the same old battle trying to find a permanent solution versus spending money buying product after product to help it look nice. Eventually, when she was done with her morning routine and trying to look decent enough to step outside, Michele went out the door. She didn’t eat anything as she wasn’t hungry, but instead, she headed to the gym. One of her closest friends was a trainer there and she loved getting tips from him on how to make the best out of every work-out. Michele wasn’t looking to lose weight per se, but she had recently started working on toning up and maybe getting just a tad stronger... It certainly couldn’t hurt these days. Michele rounded the corner on her block when she accidentally ran into someone, nearly making herself drop her water bottle. “Whoops, sorry!"