[Center][Img]https://static.billboard.com/files/media/Trey-Songz-press-James-Dimmock-billboard-1548-768x433.jpg[/Img][/center] [CENTER][I][h1][color=lightblue]Jason Koravil[/color][/h1][/i][/CENTER] [Color=lightblue]Time:[/color] Late Morning [Color=lightblue]Location:[/color] FEMA Camp, San Francisco [Color=lightblue]Interaction:[/color] Marcus [@FunnyGuy] [hr] Jason ignored the shouts and other reactions from bystanders in the FEMA Camp. Justice was in his charge and he had no fear of hiding his abilities. Unlike his primary personality he took extreme pride in his abilities and whilst he wasn't out to showcase them to the world to get the national guard or other intelligence agencies on his back neither was he cowering in fear. [i][Color=lightblue][b]Oh you wanna tear my head off? Those words or well thoughts of encouragement you have really make me wanna work with you even more.[/b][/color][/i] Jason once again projected his thoughts speaking to Marcus's mind directly in response to his train of thought, it seemed the other altered human wasn't use to people invading the privacy of his mind. Typically one's thoughts were only for themselves the one place that whatever one conjured up was safe-guarded from the prying ears of others, except in the case of a telepath who could infiltrate minds as easy as a skilled hacker could break into a computer with just basic password protection. The man offered up another location to continue their "conversation" and just as quickly was gone in quite literally, a flash. [Color=lightblue][i]Hmphh he's fast, extremely fast if he can think as fast as he can move I'll need an ounce of coke, adderall & coffee to try to keep up with his thoughts. That stunt I just pulled could have gotten me beat up quicker then a virgin going raw in Nicki Minaj or Megan Thee Stallion [/i][/color] Jason decided to follow in Marcus's foot-steps to leave the FEMA camp & get out of dodge but not without using his power one more time on the camp grounds. [b][Color=lightblue]"Listen up, everyone here put your phones & any other recording devices you have out up. Delete any footage you have of what just happened, any communication you initiated with law enforcement about the scuffle you presumed was about to start tell them it was a lie, a misunderstanding, mistake."[/color][/b] Jason spoke aloud using his telepathic power to bend the will of everyone present on the camp-grounds. In the distance he heard the sounds of police sirens blaring, no doubt someone had called the cops as soon as his last teleknetic wave sent cars sprawling through the air. With the Jedi Mind tricks he just pulled mere;y by speaking he wondered how the mind-washed civilians would explain the flipped over cars. Jason used his own power to levititate himself further focusing to allow him to simulate full blown flight. He took off from the FEMA camp quickly departing as those within the camp where pre-occupied with the controlling verbal command he issued. He landed on the grass near Marcus's location, tracking Marcus's exact position down by his unique mental signature. [Color=lightblue]"Well here I am, away from the audience, now it's just me and you. So what's next, we gonna yell, and bicker and fight like children? Or put our powers together to use against our real enemy." [/color] Justice spoke calmly but firmly awaiting Marcus's response, the ball was now in the molecular accelerator's court. However as a safety precautionary measure with both of Jason's feet planted firmly on the grass beneath him tapped into his power to summon a skin tight invisible telekenetic field around him. There was no way he could keep up with Marcus's speed he'd seen that first hand, but he could form a shield around himself with his powers to protect himself from a potential attack that was far too fast for him to block.