[quote=@RedXIII] For your consideration: [hider=Rafael Reyes] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Jk7gkdb/9-C9-EB9-A7-D4-FB-655-D-B8-E24-D52-A6-E8-E2086in.jpg[/img][/center] [b]NAME[/b] Rafael Reyes [b]AGE[/b] 31 [b]GENDER[/b] Male [b]HEIGHT[/b] 6'1" [b]WEIGHT[/b] He prefers not to say, but is a fan of the term "Fluffy". [b]ETHNICITY[/b] Mexican American [b]SEXUAL ORIENTATION[/b] Heterosexual [b]RELIGION[/b] Agnostic [b]OCCUPATION[/b] "Entrepreneur" [b]ABILITY[/b] [url=https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Alcohol_Empowerment]Alcohol Empowerment[/url] - The madder the Hulk gets, the stronger and more invulnerable the Hulk gets. Rafael doesn't get mad. Rafael gets drunk! The higher his blood alcohol level, the higher his genetic reaction becomes, increasing his strength, durability and healing by volume. At it's highest level, he could potentially become completely invulnerable and ridiculously strong, but it comes at a cost. The main drawback is that alcohol still affects him just as it would anyone else; he gets shit faced! His indomitable presence becomes hindered by his intoxication, impaired judgement and lack of coordination. At his worst, he is very much a bull in a china shop, and that china shop will likely end up leveled to the ground. Without alcohol in his system, he is just as relatively weak and vulnerable as any other person of his size and build. [b]BACKGROUND[/b] Rafael didn't have an exceptional upbringing. His grandparents had roots in Puebla, but his parents sought opportunities elsewhere. Raul Reyes, Raf's father, used his expert knowledge of human biology to chase the American dream, becoming a plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. A frigid man, Raul wasn't a big fan of the nightlife or social scenes, but after some coaxing by his few, but very close, friends, he found the love of his life in a woman named Sophia as they danced and sang and tripped and spilled and vomited during a very memorable, yet extremely hazy night at a dance club. It wasn't much later after that when Rafael burst onto the scene in all his lovable glory. Rafael, while certainly charismatic, was otherwise a very unimpressive version of his father. He is a slave to indulgence and a lover of laze. Lacking a great eating habit, any ambition or any sort of willpower, Rafael found himself to be a loved, but disappointing, member of the family. After enough nagging, Raf moved out of LA and into San Francisco to put a bit of distance between him and his rich, but overbearing, parents. Even through middle-age, his father made sure to provide him with an allowance while Raf took on odd jobs and a shady occupation. Marijuana and liquor are his only vices, but he has helped his living by moving a variety of frowned upon product. Today, Rafael finds himself with two male roommates in an apartment that would be politely labeled as economy class, at best. A run down shithole, at worst. Little did Raf know how much his world would change when the storm hit... [i][b]OOC Notes: I know we have another Strength based character here, but Rafael is not built to be a badass and his strength is exclusively dependent on his intake. We have a lot of serious characters on board and this guy is intended to be anything but serious in terms of his demeanor. I'm hoping it will be a very fun character to write for and hopefully an entertaining one to read about.[/b][/i][/hider] [/quote] This character is awesome! I love the character's story and power there approved! Welcome to the RP, you can go ahead and submit/upload them to the character tab welcome aboard! We also have a discord channel your welcome to as well!