[center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/356f306942c6d5609a083cea98f7f0c0/tumblr_pfmm0vfzQb1qc3ju8o3_540.gifv[/img][/center] [hr] [indent][indent][indent][color=4C9E7C]"There. I have narrowed down the candidates to six from the dozen that you threw at me."[/color] Jorge Henriques tossed the datapad over to Executor Pallin's desk with a clear sign of annoyance. It took a minute for the officer to go over the ones selected before going on his computer and typing something into it. Everyone else in the room noticed Pallin's obvious disdain on his face alone. To the executor, Kingslayer was a clear violation of law and gave the powers of Spectres to civilians with dangerous backgrounds. And he wasn't hiding it. [b]"The Council has approved your team. Hopefully, they won't regret their decision in the future."[/b] Pallin said with disdain in his voice and tossed the datapad aside. [b]"Now, if that's all, you can leave."[/b] Jorge nodded and left the office without saying anything else to avoid setting Pallin off. He made his way outside of the embassy and booked transport via his Omni-tool. Then, while waiting for his ride, Jorge typed out a brief message to the hired help and coordinates to their base of operations at Livilla Towers. He didn't have enough time to see the apartment in person, but he heard that it was reasonably large for a group of seven. However, it was located within Batia District, where many people considered it a "rough district" due to rising tensions between humans and batarians. In addition to being overlooked, Jorge perhaps understood why C-Sec would've suddenly given up one of their safehouses to the operation. Eventually, his ride arrived as Jorge sent the message to his new squadmates. Then, he made his way to the shuttle and asked if the driver could quickly get to the destination. At first, the driver was reluctant until the tip changed her mind in an instant. Now, there was the matter of making it to the apartment before anyone else.[/indent] [hr][/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][indent]Overlooking the newly renovated Houston Square, Livilla Towers was advertised as an affordable multi-species apartment complex. It originally was overwhelmed with a mixture of squatters and wanted criminals. Eventually, C-Sec conducted a massive raid that saw the arrest of dozens before a human-funded construction company torn the towers apart to build anew. Rumors spread that the human ambassador personally went to C-Sec for the raid to happen after human investors expressed interest in Batia District. And while it was a rumor, C-Sec was awfully quick to conduct the raid than usual. For the most part, the apartments were standard at best, with two bedrooms, one bathroom, and not much space. There were apartments that catered towards species that required certain features to survive comfortably; however, they cost as much as luxurious apartments within wealthier districts. And there were the hidden studio apartments on the upper floors, which the public didn't find out until recently. Those apartments were more spacious and provided two bedrooms and bathrooms. The reason for their absence in the advertisement was because several human investors already bought them. There was an outcry primarily ignored by the property manager and the human residents. And shortly after, C-Sec quietly gave their safehouse away on orders from the Council themselves. And that was how the Kingslayer team ended up with a base of operations. Of course, there were concerns that the residents nearby would've asked questions, especially with aliens on the team. But the Council decided to let the lead contact deal with the problem instead of getting involved themselves.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr]