[@POOHEAD189] What criticisms do you have for it? I confess to having an unopened copy of [i]The Black Company[/i] which I have been eyeing up but haven’t yet read—but after a reread of [i]Berserk,[/i] I’m itching for more darkness. I recently finished Celeste Ng’s [i]Everything I Never Told You,[/i] a novel about the death of a mixed Chinese-American family’s eldest daughter Lydia in the ’70s, focusing on the events leading up to her death and the fallout afterwards. Save the distraction of Lydia’s blue eyes (which, though pointed out in the narrative as “defying genetics,” felt like a poor way to indicate her greater proximity to whiteness) it’s a poignant novel about social expectations, the model minority myth, the perpetual foreigner stereotype, and things left unsaid.