“No, no, no we want you, not the planet” the Nas’Gaduran guard was cut off as a wave of concussive force threw him and his fellow backwards and left them crumpled on the ground some distance off behind Fury. He was buffeted by the attack, but far from injured as his shield withstood the force of the General’s clapping hands. He landed behind his crater on the ground, right foot setting into the grass and dirt to bring him to a quick halt. “It would seem like I get to kill you after all.” Fury called, with obvious delight. “When you’re dead this world will burn, the Angar-Rylla think nothing of glassing a planet as a message.” The Hero backed off, though Fury wasn’t mad enough to think he was scared, the Fireen hadn’t even begun quite yet. “Right then, let’s get started.” Fury bounced off the ground and propelled himself forward with energy, his body at a twenty five degree angle from the ground, sensing his opponent manifesting some sort of energy attack the Fireen had never seen before, he launched two energy discs from each hand as he barrelled towards his foe. They curved through the air and crossed paths, each darting towards the hero in mid-air from either side to give him something to think about. Meanwhile, Fury powered forward, and if his opponent remained floating, he would fly underneath his legs and grab hold of his feet with both hands, throwing him towards the ground with all his energy enhanced strength.