Spitballing ideas here [hider=Basilisco] "Coil, Basilisco!" The wielder's form becomes reptilian in nature, with joints becoming more jagged and skin coated in layers of scales harder than diamond. An enormous tail extends their spine and ends with a crescent-shaped protruding blade that curves inward toward the tail. The mouth elongates and the eyes become narrow, the pupils slanted. A plethora of spines grow from the head, appearing almost like a head of hair atop the newly reptilian cranium. Sword-like claws grow from fingertips and toes. Movement speed increases dramatically. Like the mythical version of its namesake, Basilisco's primary power is to freeze its victims. The claws and tail are ice cold and separate heat from the body of those struck by them. The sudden removal of heat from the body causes blood to freeze and bones and flesh to become brittle and soft. The suddenly displaced heat is then used to propel its victim away into the nearest solid object, causing tremendous internal harm to the weakened body. "Cero Córnea" The slit pupils of the now reptilian eyes fire 2 concentrated Ceros at whatever the user is looking at. The beams are smaller in size but fire faster than a regular cero and tear holes through the victim rather than blasting them with the full brunt force of a typical cero. [/hider]