[hider=Servant] [indent][indent][indent][center][h3]Berserker [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/1efb86977b72f60d90fc152098fec7c0/4ed71ebf9699980c-d6/s500x750/9360f20a0cf8f201e2325dc64b55d87b9cf6d236.jpg[/img] [/h3][/center] [b]ᴺᴬᴹᴱ[/b] [indent] Patroclus[/indent] [b]ꜰᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ[/b] [b]ᴀᴛᴛʀɪʙᴜᴛᴇ[/b] [indent]Earth[/indent] [b]ʟᴇɢᴇɴᴅ[/b] [indent]His story did not have a glorious beginning, rather, it started with Patroclus accidentally killing another child in a fit of rage over a game. Fearful for his son his father, Menoetius gave his son away to the king of Phthia, Pelus, who would become the squire of his son, Achilles. From childhood to adulthood, Patroclus had always been by Achilles' side. They were mentors to each other, making up for each of their short comings through thick and thin. It would not have been any stretch of the imagination to say that Patroclus loved him and he was loved in turn beyond what could be called brotherly love. The two of them were inseparable. They learned side-by-side from Chiron in the art of combat and when Achilles joined the Archaean Army's war efforts against Troy, he followed with every intention to help him succeed. It was at this point that Patroclus had began to build a name for himself for his valiant bravery and determination, earning admiration from his comrades and the ire of his enemies. There was a point when Achilles refused to participate due to feeling like he was insulted by the Greek leader, Agamemnon, in battle. The consequences were severe; many of their comrades were slaughtered senselessly and Patroclus begged to borrow Achilles' armor and lead his men into battle in his stead. He eventually conceded with the order that when the Trojans retreat to pull out, not knowing of the cruel fate that would fall upon them. The Trojans were no match for Patroclus; he single-handedly turned the tide of the battle and killed the child of Zeus, Sarpedon, enraging the god. Zeus had caused Hector and his army to retreat and in a fit of vengeful bloodlust and a hunger for glory, Patroclus pursued and continued cut his way through to Hector. The two would duel, but it was a trap; the god Apollo removed Patroclus' senses and parts of his armor, giving Hector the opening to land the killing blow with the aid of Euphorbus, another Trojan. His last words were not him cursing his opponent, he warned him that Hector had sealed his own fate knowing that Achilles would avenge him. Perhaps it was not entirely true that he was not bitter. He was cheated of his victory, cheated of his fame, and more importantly he was cheated of his life with Achilles, and yet when he woke up, he had earned his place among the Throne of Heroes for changing the tides of The Trojan War and for stepping up when Achilles refused. It was not long until Achilles was among the Throne of Heroes when they were reunited. Patroclus had all that ever needed. Sadly, history wasn't very kind to Patroclus; his accomplishments and strength were forgotten and is only remembered as a battle hungry fool and companion of Achilles. As a Berserker summoned in his homeland of Greece, his power is close to what it was when he was alive though cut short by his little fame though he would use whatever power he had to achieve his wish. However, perhaps there is a Master who realizes his potential or they meant to summon Achilles, but got him instead. Either way, you're stuck with him.[/indent] [b]ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀ[/b] [indent][list] [*] Glory Seeking [*] Prone to Rage [*] Honorable [*] Loyal [*] Jovial [/list][/indent] [b]ᴡɪꜱʜ[/b] [indent]To have a second chance at life with Achilles[/indent] [b]ᴘᴀʀᴀᴍᴀᴛᴇʀꜱ[/b] [indent]STR:A END: B+ AGI: A MNA: B LCK: C [/indent] [b]ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱ ꜱᴋɪʟʟꜱ[/b] [indent]Mad-Enchantment(B-Class): Rank up for all parameters, but takes away most of the Servant's sanity. In Patroclus' case, his loss of sanity extends to ignoring orders and driven by bloodlust and glory when in battle or when a fight is about to begin though he still possesses his skills and finesse as a warrior instead of a rampaging beast. However, it does make him act first and think later so he is susceptible to traps and surprise attacks. There is reason to why the extent of his madness is not as severe as it could be. His wish to be reunited with Achilles in life is the only thing keeping his mental state in check. Without it, his desire for combat and glory would devour his sense of self.[/indent] [b]ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟ ꜱᴋɪʟʟꜱ[/b] [indent]Paramore of Achilles(A): It is a widely accepted theory that Patroclus and Achilles were actually lovers and even in death, their ashes were mixed together so that they would be together, a connection so deep that it formed into this skill. Normally, Patroclus would be able to access and use only one of Achilles' Noble Phantasms at a time at a single rank lower, but due to the Mad-Enchantment, the loss is nullified as it naturally raises their rank by one. Pankration(B+): The art of ancient boxing originates from Apollo. Pankration is the world's first and oldest mixed martial art, combining boxing and wrestling techniques. It means "power of all." Patroclus taught this by Chiron alongside Achilles. Charisma(C-): Originally A-rank, but due to the Mad-Enchantment it fell down several ranks. Patroclus led the Myrmidons in Achilles' stead when he refused to partake in the Trojan War and thanks to his efforts, pushed them back. Even as a Berserker, he has the ability to naturally convince others to follow him, or at the very least instill the desire for conflict and glory. Battle Continuation(A): His determination and bravery was known far and wide and made him enemy of the Trojans during the war. He single handedly turned the tide of a losing battle and pushed the Trojans back and then against orders, followed them in pursuit and continued to kill them. It took the effort of both Apollo, who cursed him to lose his senses, and Hector of Troy to put him down with the aid of Euphorbus. His stamina and tolerance for damage is incredible, if not reckless. Glam Sight: Fairy Eyes(A): Patroclus had been born with Mystic Eyes that allowed him to perceive information so quickly that to him time has slowed down, however, whatever information he is processing has to be within his field of vision or seen by him even if not directly, such as a reflection. It also has to be activated so surprise attacks are effective. Hypothetically, if someone could produce more information than he could process then he'd probably have a brain hemorrhage. This ability was why Apollo was needed to take away his senses so Hector could win. [/indent] [b]ɴᴏʙʟᴇ ᴘʜᴀɴᴛᴀꜱᴍ[/b] [indent] [hider=Armor of Achilles] Title: Armor of Achilles Rank: A NP Type: Anti-Self Range: 1 Maximum Number: 1 Description: A Divine Construct created by Hephaestus given to Achilles' father, Peleus, who then gave it to his son and later borrowed by Patroclus. A once beautiful set of divine armor gilded with gold and bronze had been tainted by the Mad-Enchantment, turning it into a suit of black, demonic fury. It could be considered the strongest defense as anything below its rank nullifies physical and magic damage save for the mightiest attacks though anti-demon skills and Phantasms bypass this due to the tainted nature of the Phantasm. Aside from it being borderline unbreakable, it increases all of Patroclus' parameters by a single rank. Of course, there are two caveats to something this unreasonably powerful: it seals off his access to his other Noble Phantasm and Paramore of Achilles, and requires a staggering amount of energy to maintain on the Master's part since it will drain the them of their magic quickly, possibly killing the most powerful of magus. It is both a trump card and a last resort that should not be taken lightly. [/hider] [/indent] [indent] [hider=Sarpedon's Blood] Title: Sarpedon's Blood Rank: B+ NP Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-Army Range: 1-50 Maximum Number: 500 Description:Named after the demigod of the same name, a son of Zeus, it is the crystallization of the moment of when Patroclus killed him in battle. It isn't a weapon, but rather, a blood-red light that cloaks the tip of a weapon or object, usually his spear, to create wounds that heal at a much slower rate. It is especially effective against those with a Divinity below the Phantasms' rank. When saying its true name, its full power allows it to create a powerful explosion of red light though it must be used as a projectile or else it could wound even Patroclus. It will also destroy the object that is imbued with the Noble Phantasm. [/hider] [/indent] [/indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider]