[@Thinslayer] "[color=f7976a]Well, no,[/color]" Afki said hesitantly. "[color=f7976a]At least, I haven't. This is very strange...[/color]" At the same time, Parshath shivered a little upon seeing the Voidspawn, overcome with a sudden desire to strike at it, to wipe it out of existence. Afki, noticing the slight tremble in her hands, asked him, [color=f7976a][i]You ok, Parshath?[/i][/color] The desire soon faded, and Parshath's mind cleared once more. [color=6ecff6][i]Oh, um, uh, y-yeah. It's all good,[/i][/color] Parshath chuckled. [color=6ecff6][i]You know how it is with Voidspawn...[/i][/color] Afki frowned, but decided not to pursue it. [color=f7976a][i]It's that again, huh? Well, as long as you're okay...[/i][/color] She said, remembering the last time they encountered a Voidspawn. It was dispatched easily, of course, but Parshath's reaction had been the same as before. [color=6ecff6][i]It's just an instinct, I guess. And hey, it could be helpful if we come across more of those things. I'm telling ya, Voidspawns are more dangerous than what most people think of them. I'm not wrong on that... probably,[/i][/color] Parshath said.