[quote=@Kuro] Past. You can fix your mistakes with ease because you'll have hindsight by then. Would you rather reboot/remake/continue a favorite show or other piece of media (such as a book series) from the past, or would you rather do nothing at all and leave the memories as they were? [/quote] Umm, did you see the movie Butterfly Effect? If not, you might wanna. [quote=@Kalleth] I'd rather old things got picked up and reexamined, refurbished, redone, and reduxed, but with the caveat that the people doing it have to care about it. If the only thought that goes into a project based on a pre-existing IP is that it will sell on brand recognition, it should stay dead. Otherwise, I welcome reboots. Some of the best media of the last two decades (a period which funnily enough, encompasses my entire awareness of these things) has come from old properties being revisited with a new mindset. Further to that, there's nothing to stop people from holding on to cherished memories of the original in spite of the new, and anybody who says otherwise, in my opinion, is being precious. What's your favourite mythology? [/quote] Me incense Or Candles