[quote=@Hitman] Interesting concept, but there's a lot that's missing from the table right now. [list] [*]The whole powers/abilities section is absent, and that's kind of a must-have. [*]The classified intel should be DMed to me and Canary. Let me know if I missed it, but I don't think I've received anything of the sort. [*]HERO is not an international organization. HERO would have zero jurisdiction as to Japan's hero activity- that would belong to PHANTOM. As such, she can't just travel the globe willy-nilly. [*]Again, full backstory should be DMed to me and Canary before I can accept the character. ​ [*]The entire concept of "e-Heroes" isn't clear to me, as your bio references both traditional law enforcement and hero companies as being Crimson Satsuka's employer. The former would really make her just a special forces ekop, while the latter wouldn't make much sense from a logical perspective. Hero companies employ metahumans, not robots, and robots are in fact singlehandedly weighing down the broader hero community. Hero companies would see no need to, and would in fact be STRONGLY opposed to, any form of electronic hero. [*]Going by the former point's logic, it would also make zero sense why one hero company would ship what they view as a defective robot off to another continent. Wouldn't she just have been destroyed on the spot, or at least re-programmed in some way? Just saying 'here, we'll send the potentially compromised goods to another company to deal with' doesn't really make any sense.[/list] A good idea, but there are a lot of flaws in the blueprint. [/quote] So yeah. After this explanation and what you told me, trying to make a "good robot" wouldn't work at all with the lore of this RP. ...*sigh*...well back to the drawing board. Might as well re-vamp K Nine then. Jesus though I've lost my edge with character design here.