[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 6 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (54/60) [b]Location:[/b] Al Mamoon [b]Word Count:[/b] Less than 750 [/center] This hedgehog was quite an annoying foe. Sectonia wasn't used to having to have a teleport fight, and the occasional metal shots he fired were quite annoying, stinging quite bad. Still all they really did was sting, and that was when they hit. But with the buffs provided by Necronomicon and all, she was gaining the upper hand on this 'edgelord'. Seeing this and needing ammo himself, Shadow threw a garbage can at Sectonia, which while she dodged without much issue, exploded leaving a cloud of garbage, smoke, and stink. [color=92278f]"Ugh, how dare..."[/color] Sectonia mumbled as Shadow used this cover to acquire a new weapon from his 'allies', although Sectonia wouldn't know that this would've doomed one of them in the long run. Using the garbage as cover, Shadow unleashed his new weapon, a LMG which did far more damage than his pitiful pistols did. This caught the Queen by surprise. So much so that she had to do something to stop the barrage coming at different angles thanks to Shadow's speed. Seeing as Necronomicon was making sure to stay behind Sectonia in fear of getting shot, her remarks of being fragile showing themselves, Sectonia only really had a few methods available to her in this position. She summoned a few Green Antilions, grabbing one and using it as a shield with one hand to absorb the bulletfire, while the other three dropped down to where Shadow was firing, being the only long ranged attackers of her summonable minions. Her conjured meatshield didn't last too long under the barrage of gunfire, but Necronomicon soon began to ping Shadow's location to Sectonia through the cloud, giving her and her minions a target. [color=92278f]"Good Work."[/color] Sectonia said, her Green Antillion disappearing in a puff of smoke as it had absorbed all the damage it could as Sectonia conjured and fired a few large Rings of Light at where Necronomicon was pinging, the magical rings being quite large and quite the surprise for the hedgehog when they came out of the smoke. Still, this cretin and his constant gunfire was quite annoying, and painful. ========================================================== [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img] Level 9 Blazermate - (28/90) Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5 Words: less than 750 [/center] Well, this monster wasn't the best at tactics, or really much of anything but thrashing around. And that really hurt him when he fell into the trap Link, Geralt, and everyone was setting up using the hanging staircase. Blazermate could help those trapped due to the missing part of the walkways with her limited flight and gliding capabilities, but all she could do now was call out Moreau's movements and how much damage he had taken. Something that would be super helpful, considering Bowser's new plan of trying to fish the monster fish up using his own keepsakes. That thing Bowser had gotten of the jar looking even worse than the mutant fish below them. [color=0072bc]"Be careful everyone. That blow did really hurt him, but hes still coming."[/color] Blazermate called out, keeping track and calling out where Moreau was when he was going to rear up to do something. Thankfully no one besides the monster was damaged from these shenanigans, and some were even making use of the abundant scrap around to do some shenanigans of their own. Still, Link was the one putting himself in the most danger, and while he was agile so far, Blazermate was ready to help him if she needed to. She could still lift off, but couldn't keep flight going for too long thanks to her injury. She'd need the Engineer to repair that later.