[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/Sakimori6001624170.jpg] REIKO SOHMA 16 years old Boar of the zodiac Reiko is a social girl who loves being around groups of people. She is quick to speak her mind and is fairly nice to others, but she won't hesitate to defend herself or others if she notices any wrongdoing. She tends to cling towards other people and cherishes any attention she gets, mostly because she gets no attention at home. Reiko is ignored by her parents due to her being born cursed. They both had high hopes for her to be successful in her future, but thanks to the curse her parents lost faith in her. They think of her as a financial inconvenience and because of their neglect towards her any interaction between them is awkward. Her parents want to love her, but out of shame can't bring themselves to love a cursed child. Reiko tries to stay fit so she exercises often, mostly because she apsires to be like her mom. Her mother is a model and one of the few positive interactions they have is when she passes Reiko her old clothes, but a lot of the time her mom is quick to point out any flaws in her appearance. Reiko has an unhealthy obsession of wanting to look cute and panics at the thought of gaining weight. [/center]