[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [quote=Raptorman] The attacker finally appeared taken aback as the silver and blue clad hero simply tanked the hard light grenade and there was actually a slight delay between landing and launching the next attack. But even as this hero proved able to resist the attacks the white and gold armored figure continued to focus primarily on Albrecht Macros. A metal coated hand suddenly held a slender handgrip and with a hissing sound and the characteristic flash of light a plasma whip came to life in the assailant’s left hand. As the whip ignited the figure was already moving, its arm already extended. There was no subtlety in the strike, the plasma whip being flicked out in a deadly arc that would take it straight through the corporate titan as the sword was held up to ward against a direct attack by the blue and silver suited nuisance. Even as this attack was launched however the strange vehicle from which the gold and white armored figure had emerged began to drift sideways. As it moved a hatch at the front slid away, mal metal parting to allow for the barrel of a heavy duty plasma cannon to poke out. [/quote] Icon watched as the attacker ignited a whip that appeared to be created from the same source of energy as the sword that was being wielded in the other hand. He also noted that the strange craft which the attacker had arrived in had leveled what looked to be some sort of cannon directly at him. The attacker flicked his wrist and sent the laser-like tendril directly at Macros’ neck. Wasting no time; Icon left his feet, flying just feet off the ground, he grabbed Macros and flew him out of range of both the attacker and the cannon. [b]”This might be a good time to go.”[/b] Icon said to the titan of industry before turning his attention back to the attacker. Not waiting for a response from Macros, Icon flew back toward the gold and white clad attacker. With the target of the attacker’s assault out of harm’s way, Icon flew directly into the attacker, lowering his shoulder into the armored being’s midsection, ramming the attacker hard, sending him crashing into the side of a parked news van. [b]”I think it’s about time you and I had a little chat.”[/b] Icon said as the attacker tried to regain his bearings.