[hider=Floof] [center][img]https://safebooru.org//samples/3219/sample_d661a5cae0af5c948e57bf50be568335990d8215.jpg?3347443[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Alasayana, the Huntress [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Rather short for perhaps what one thinks of when they think 'Goddess' standing at a fairly short 4'4, Yana has dusky, dark skin with eyes colored like the brightest emeralds. While some other Gods possess human traits, her domain and overall abilities have given her a somewhat unique more animalistic appearance. Black furry ears, and four rather lively tails with seeming minds of their own, able to move and twist about like serpents ready to devour any sinner in their vicinity. [b]Personality:[/b] A wild, feral goddess of Hunting and Judgement who behaves as severe as one may expect a god of these divinities may behave. She inherently believes there is a strict morality and righteousness to the world, and any breaker of that morality is subject to divine judgement from herself. She will uphold this justice and punish evildoers with all the ferocity of a wild beast, sparing little for their pleas of mercy or repentance. Once judgement has been called, it can not be stopped. This of course, doesn't mean she's a mindless bringer of justice. She has just as much cunning and care as a beast might that is stalking prey. She knows when best to engage, and knows that most times, things do not require such extreme measures. She carries herself with all the dignity and grace that a wild beast might. Graceful, respectful but brutal and ferocious without taking insults or slights to her name without causing unneeded cruelty. Some would say this is arrogance on her part, and indeed, perhaps there is a little bit of that, but she is strong, and that is not something she should simply ignore. Her opinion on humans are simple - incredibly weak...but worth protecting. She loves nothing more than to simply watch them, go about their mundane lives, but finds it difficult to completely interact with them outside of business. She spent a week thinking of how to simply say hi to someone once. She's not using her aloof arrogance to hide shyness, definitely not. [b]Domain:[/b] Hunting and Judgement [b]Abilities:[/b] As she is a Goddess of Judgement, Yana possess abilities that instill order and rebuke those who commit sin and evil. There shall be no lies in her presence that can not be revealed, no deception that she doesn't sense, and no sin or evil creatures in her presence. This also puts her into a direct conflict with demons and other foul, abominable creatures born of whatever evil infects the world - they will be eradicated with all the righteous, feral fury she possesses. She can also purify such evil, even non-physical evil such as curses or lingering malignancy, though it may take some time if she can no directly devour it with her tails. That is to say, when facing such creatures her very nature rebukes them and they will cower and be weakened in her presence. Of course, this is just one half of her divine authority - the other being that of Hunts. Like a feral beast stalking its prey through the forest, she too, stalks evil and will devour it completely. This gives her a surprisingly stout and agile physicality, likely second only to some gods who domains solely focus on fighting or warfare. As well as skilled with a number of weapons and near preternatural senses for the hunt, such when something is dangerous, or when to avoid something how to stay and move unseen, how to move quietly without making a noise. Just like laws of man, she too also upholds fairness and law in the wild and once upon a time, lived as such within the forests of her old jungle domain. These two domains combine in a rather terrifyingly potent combination for sinners and those she 'Marks' as those judged to be evil. Anyone deemed as such, will find her relentlessly pursuing them until they are devoured by her tails. Once she gets even a single whiff of their scent, there shall be no recourse but to run for eternity or stand and bravely face your end. The ultimate expression of this power was being able to take the form of a massive, black hound stalking the land and devouring evil whole. Unfortunately, many of these abilities of evil-busting and hunting have become completely ineffective. Even her ability to sense and purify it has dwindled to that of normal human senses. All she has currently is her physical body, and manipulate her tails to fight and judge evil with. Don't be fooled though, the tails are basically four extra appendages. Four extra appendages with sharp teeth, ability to grow, elongate, and devour anything they get their mouths on and swallow it whole. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] A goddess once worshiped by those in areas perhaps less civilized, primarily in both a desert and tropical jungle regions and those who perhaps, sought justice and retribution against others outside of normal systems. After all, the human systems may be fallible, but a goddess judgement? Flawless. Perfect. Not a single one could argue. Even so, she was well known and widely at one point in those regions to be the purveyor of justice, hunters of evil, and the Goddess one should prey to for fruitful hunts. With a sword that vanquished demons and sinners, and tails that purified curses and evil, she stalked the sands and jungle, doling out punishments and stalking any demon that so dared to tread upon the earth. Yet, like all Gods that day, she met her end. How absurd, she thought. How pathetic. She doesn't remember what it was, of course. No one does...but she does know, that whatever it was, she'd have stood against it with fangs bared and gave it a good wallop before passing. What else is there to say? Surely you don't want to hear about the hunts. [/hider]