[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210815/ae846bcf60462f83a9e0d1c32ad6eb01.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210815/8c8a528a84ebe067e970757dd40c26de.png[/img] [hr][hr] [h2]INTRODUCTION: A PERSON OF INTEREST [/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rcZl9RH.jpg[/img][/center] Herman Jauch nervously sipped at the glass of water on his table as his eyes scanned the small motel cafe where he had come for lunch. He sat alone near the back away from the entrance which he had been watching like a hawk since sitting down. Having not eaten anything in over twelve hours he had quickly scarfed down his meal and was now on his second glass of the mineral water the cafe served. Filling as the food was it hadn’t soothed his racing mind nor eased the stress induced rush that plagued him to the point of barely sleeping. As he drained the last of his water through a straw Herman thought back on the events that had lead him to where he was now, hiding away in a modest side street motel aboard the Citadel. It had all started when a woman had first contacted him back on Earth several months ago asking the former scientist to lead a project sponsored by a “special interest group”, it’s focus on human biotics. Twenty years ago Herman Jauch was at the top of the list when it came to dark energy and human biotics research, at least until his untimely fall from grace. A memory that still stirred resentment within him. Once a tenured academic with a long list of credentials and career accolades Herman had lost it all in the heat of a single moment. Since then he had made a decent enough living teaching at a public school back on Earth. Reduced to a quiet, bitter old man who would have otherwise spent his twilight years mulling over the past. So when this well dressed and charismatic woman presented him with a lab, staff, resources, and objectives he could not resist, resigning from his teaching job immediately and setting out across the stars for what he saw as a chance at making a difference again. And hopefully regaining what he had lost. This idyllic future was in fact anything but and - after destroying his lab and equipment - Herman was now on the run from his former employers. In his possession a flash drive with all the research data from his lab as well as various other files he had snagged before fleeing. Originally he had considered going into hiding but realized this was not possible seeing as who he was dealing with and the resources they had at their disposal. With nowhere to hide and nothing gained Herman knew there was only one possibility left for him - to use the data he had as a bargaining chip. Despite the methods and outcomes of the project the research data without question was invaluable, as was the other files stored on the flash drive he was nervously rubbing between his fingers. The only predicament he faced was deciding on who to approach and attempt to strike a deal with. The Alliance was the most immediate and obvious consideration. Herman however had a suspicion that once light was shined on what had happened at that lab as well as his involvement the Alliance might just arrest him and confiscate what he had. There were other options as well but like going to the Alliance they all had their contradictory cons about them. Realizing he couldn’t afford to be picky the former scientist had made his way to the Citadel, booked a room, and early this morning made a few calls. And now here he sat on pins and needles, waiting for the Alliance contact promised to meet him. He reminded himself that if he played things right he could come out smelling like a rose.