[hider=Cold Queen][center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/12f6be22-a7cd-4385-87ac-efd403807391/dddnarj-0a03c3f3-ea11-41db-b4b3-c8137f1a8c49.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1453,q_80,strp/crossbreed_priscilla_by_nakama_kai_dddnarj-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTQ1MyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzEyZjZiZTIyLWE3Y2QtNDM4NS04N2FjLWVmZDQwMzgwNzM5MVwvZGRkbmFyai0wYTAzYzNmMy1lYTExLTQxZGItYjRiMy1jODEzN2YxYThjNDkucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.yLxNYamjBe_Teb65KFxlIOLtSGMzlrEPZeV_JqKDa0s[/img][/center] [center][color=slategray]╔══════════════════════╗[/color][/center] [indent][color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] N a m e [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Nashandra Taltamalo. "Nash" is a common shortening.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]The Cold Queen. Bearer of The Curse. Keeper of the Frozen Domain.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] A g e / B i r t h d a y [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]27, December 13.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] G e n d e r [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Female.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] B o d y T y p e [hider=Appearance Writeup][indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Nashandra is a person of both striking beauty and terrifying conclusions. The first thing that most people notice is that she stands at an enormous eight and a half feet tall, and might not even be done growing just yet if her suspicions are correct. This renders a great deal of things challenging, such as moving about through buildings or using most doors. Interestingly things like guild halls are quite comfortable due to their wide open space. In addition to this abnormal height Nashandra possesses a number of less-than-human traits that frequently put people on their guard. These include a collection of short horns growing upon her forehead, and a "collar" of scales around her neck as well as bands of scales around her forearms. Her teeth are also a bit sharper and hardier than most, with a pair of pronounced fangs being the most notable distinction. Her hands and feet also possess talons in place of regular nails, and they're sturdy enough to climb and attack with if needed. Then, most notably, is a tail. Roughly four feet long and covered in a thick layer of snowy-white hair. Nashandra does possess some amount of control over it and primarily uses it for balance. If it were to be cut off, it would grow back in about a month. Beyond this Nashandra has quite the respectable hourglass figure, and possesses a generous bust that is frequently made to appear much smaller than it is due to her dress. Nashandra's eyes are slightly more human, though not by much. They're green in color and she is in possession of slit pupils, much like a snake. Nashandra's hair is snowy white, much like her tail, and she maintains a rough shoulder length haircut that is kept out of her face by the horns growing from her forehead. Beyond that Nashandra wears a fluffy white dress that at first glance appears to be similar to the hair covering her tail, though she assures everyone that it was merely made in a similar fashion and isn't a part of her. Still, you'd never know since she is very rarely seen wearing anything else. The dress is quite thick, and is presumably quite heavy. Despite this Nashandra seems unhindered by the garment.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] G u i l d [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Sapphire Falcon[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] O r i g i n a l G u i l d [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Falcon Flight[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] G u i l d M a r k L o c a t i o n [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Nashandra's guild mark is on the palm of her left hand.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] F a m i l y [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]None living. Mother and Father have been deceased for years.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] M a g e R a n k [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]S rank.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] P e r s o n a l i t y [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Nashandra's personality is best described as cold, distant, and she doesn't seem to say much, though it's not entirely because she has a desire to be rude. Most of the time her mental energy is devoted towards warding off the effects of her scythe, and as such she doesn't really have a whole lot of mental capacity left over to devote to being a social butterfly. That being said, Nashandra is a loyal friend and most often can be relied upon to listen to someone speak, even if she doesn't always reply.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] L i k e s [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7] [color=slategray]✖[/color] - Learning things that would help her on her quest. [color=slategray]✖[/color] - Slaying evil demons. [color=slategray]✖[/color] - Keeping people away from her scythe. [color=slategray]✖[/color] - Resisting the influence of her scythe.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] D i s l i k e s [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7] [color=slategray]✖[/color] - Succumbing to the wants of her scythe. [color=slategray]✖[/color] - Losing track of her scythe. [color=slategray]✖[/color] - Having others try and touch her scythe. [color=slategray]✖[/color] - The presence of demons.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] B i o g r a p h y [hider=History][indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Nashandra's birth was fairly normal without much in the way of fanfare, but the events surrounding her birth were quite something. She was born into a group of people dedicated to guarding a Living Magic weapon. Born from rites performed by demons seeking to imitate Zeref's creations the weapon that they ended up creating was imperfect in that unlike many living magic creations it couldn't take on another form. Unfortunately this didn't flaw didn't detract from the power that the weapon came to possess. Indeed, it gained something that could perhaps be considered worse: Instead of assuming a humanoid form to see its will done the weapon would force its will upon the wielder, causing them to bring death and ruin as it saw fit. Immune to their own creation as they already sought to do naught but destroy, the demons involved with the ritual gathered their forces and began to terrorize the surrounding area with their newly created weapon. Unable to stand idly by as their homes were destroyed the mages in the area joined forces to resist forming a group known only as The Guard. After a desperate struggle, the threat was contained and the weapon taken from the demons. Now they had a new dilemma: The weapon could not be destroyed by normal means, nor wielded against its creators. Merely sundering it would unleash its power upon the surrounding area, destroying far more than the demons ever had, and attempting to wield it would eventually cause the wielder to turn against their allies. Not to mention that it was built for the large forms of demons, not the much smaller forms of humans. It was eventually observed that it could possibly be unmade, its power dissolved back into the natural flow of ethernano from whence it came, but none of the people involved knew how to do this properly. Resolving to guard the weapon until the knowledge to destroy it was learned, a temple was built to hide it somewhere within the land of Sin and the group moved to being known as The Temple Guard. This is where Nashandra's life begins. Her parents were stalwart defenders of the weapon, and as such Nashandra's future was decided before she was born. One of the first children to be born after the weapon had been captured, Nashandra spent much of her early life learning of its history and learning how to fight, her magical ability manifested as a form of ice make, enabling her to control the ambient temperature or create a blizzard to hide herself in. Not particularly powerful, but useful enough in battle. Once she turned 18, Nashandra was officially inducted into The Temple Guard. Two years passed without meaningful event, and Nashandra's life grew routine and boring. Training, drills, surprise drills, and fake attacks were done to keep everyone on their guard and test for flaws and weaknesses in defense plans, but nothing seemed to come. Until one day an attack proved to not be fake. The temple forces were decimated with impunity. As much as they had prepared and planned, there was no matching the strength of actual demons. However, despite their losses, The Temple Guard were able to drive the demons back. Nashandra's parents had fallen in the attack, and she herself was wounded. It was here that Nashandra learned that she harbored a secret. Nashandra's parents, having previously been wounded in the campaign to secure the scythe in the first place, carried some demon genes due to their wounds allowing for demon blood to intermingle with their bodies. They had passed these genes onto Nashandra though they had been rendered dormant from being rejected by her parents immune systems and the rather ineffective method of transmission. But now Nashandra had picked up a fresh set of these genes from the latest attack through her own wounds, and the set already slumbering within her became active. Nashandra came to realize that her magic had been so subpar because it had never fully manifested. It was now that she was learned that her magic was similar to that of Satan Soul, requiring her to assume her "true" form before it could be used in full. Unfortunately for Nashandra, that true form was about to emerge. Overnight, Nashandra underwent a dramatic and painful transformation. Her form twisted and contorted beyond what a human should rightfully be, though she was spared a full transformation into a demon. Once this change was done, Nashandra knew that she could never go back. Neither fully human nor fully demon anymore, Nashandra was devastated. The Temple Guard were hesitant to allow her to rejoin their normal ranks. What if her changed biology meant a change in sides as well? Unable to change their minds, Nashandra took on a more supporting role. She managed the library and helped out with manual labor. Five years passed before the demons came again. And it was here that Nashandra's life changed again. The Temple Guard were once more hammered, and Nashandra couldn't resist the idea of helping in some way. Unfortunately, due to how large she had become from her transformation and the further growth that had followed there wasn't a weapon that Nashandra could take up to help in the defense. ... Or was there? Stealing into the keep, Nashandra came face to face with the weapon they had been guarding. Covered in seals and chained in place, a last inconvenience for whoever might take it, Nashandra hesitated with what she was about to do. She was large enough to wield the weapon effectively, but she knew that there would be no going back once she did. Hearing a door get thrown open behind her, Nashandra resolved to help in whatever way she could, and she needed something to help with... The temperature in the temple dropped rapidly, and then beyond that a blizzard of tiny ice shards began to swirl throughout the temple's halls, obscuring the vision of everyone within. Then screams began to come from the demons as the weapon they sought for so long was turned against them. A cruel scythe carved through their ranks with impunity, and in less than an hour the demons offense was broken. As the demons fled, the blizzards faded and the temperature began to climb back to normal. The survivors began to gather in the keep to count losses and regroup, but upon arriving there they found Nashandra, holding the weapon they were all forbidden to touch. At first, anger and outrage boiled. But then they noticed the slain demons filling the room, and slowly the realization dawned upon them that Nashandra had been the one to break the siege, and their anger turned to thanks. Their lives saved, but Nashandra had unfortunate news to deliver. She'd seen this happen too many times, and she knew that the next time it happened they would most likely not be able to survive. Of the fifty that had been alive this morning, only twelve remained, including Nashandra. It was thus that Nashandra said that she alone would be taking on the burden of guarding this weapon, and would be leaving. The thanks of The Temple Guard quickly turned to protest, who was she to rob them of their duty? Nashandra answered this simply: Due to her half-demon status, the weapon didn't have total sway over her. She could resist it, and if she could resist it, she could use it against its creators. And then on top of that she could bring the weapon to those well versed in both demons and their magic and see if there was anything that could be done to destroy it. With reluctance, they agreed. Packing what little things she had, Nashandra left. Two years were spent traveling, until she came to the halls of Falcon Flight. After about a year there, she set out on a job to investigate strange magical activity nearby, though this turned out to be a trap laid by Hydra's Tongue. Holding her own against an ambush, Nashandra rushed back to town, but was too late to contribute meaningfully. She's taken the merger in stride, having not been one to form strong rivalries with others.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] M a g i c [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7] Satan Soul - Queen of Ice. Nashandra's Satan Soul magic resulted in a permanent transformation into her partial demon form, or her "true" form depending on who you ask and how well you know her. Aside from that, she has an intense focus on temperature control and creating blizzards, which she uses in tandem to create favorable arenas to fight in. She's fairly proficient with it, though she does have the advantage of the spells being more instinctive than something learned. Holder Magic - Scythe Of Woe. The Scythe of Woe is the cursed scythe that Nashandra has spent her life protecting. It constantly attempts to sway her to bring ruin and destruction to everything around her. Fortunately, her status as being a half-demon allows her to resist the constant corrupting force, though for how long is yet to be determined. Nashandra is quite effective with it, as the Scythe constantly informs her of how best to use it along with its constant urging to bring ruin and destruction. [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] S p e l l s [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7] Satan Soul - Queen of Ice. Frozen Domain - Nashandra's signature spell. Frozen Domain creates a localized blizzard and drops the surrounding temperature sharply. While she's within the blizzard Nashandra is basically impossible to see unless she's right on top of someone, and even then it can be difficult to fully understand that it's her before it's too late. Of course, Nashandra can still see and function perfectly fine in her own blizzards. This magic also has the benefit of rendering Nashandra immune to the effects of extreme heat and extreme cold. How large the blizzard is depends on the location where it's cast. If it's in an environment that's already cold she can create blizzards that have a radius of several meters with ease. If it's in an environment that's hot, creating a blizzard with a radius of a meter or two meters might be a challenge. Indoors is another story, and depending on how much ethernano she's willing to spend she could drop the temperature of a large building and fill all of its halls with blizzards if she saw fit due to the fact that it's easier to chill an enclosed area. Holder Magic - Scythe of Woe. Passive - Empowering: A passive ability of the scythe, it boosts the physical prowess of whoever wields it. In a demon's hands, this turns them into a nearly unstoppable destructive force. In Nashandra's hands, it placed her well above most, though someone specialized in a specific field will still outpace her. E.g. a dedicated sprinter will be faster than her, a dedicated lifter can lift more than her, but Nashandra can both sprint fast and lift a lot, even if it's lesser than the specialists. Activated - Beyond the mortal coil: When charged with ethernano, the scythe shows its true terror. Instead of being something that can be blocked by things like shields, armor, or even walls, the blade of the scythe comes to only interact with flesh and bone. While it's active, the scythe's blade is capable of dealing damage directly to a person, regardless of what armor or defenses they have up. This is the primary reason why the demons want this scythe so badly, as without it humans have a fighting chance and don't just fall to pieces with each swing. While this is active, the blade glows a brilliant white color. [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] T a l e n t s [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Proficient in fighting with her scythe. Quite durable in combat. Immune to the effects of extreme temperatures. Incredibly mentally resilient.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] O d d i t i e s [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Constantly mentally battling against her scythe. Quiet. Defensive regarding her scythe. Half-Demon. Her skin is always cold to the touch, and her breath fogs regardless of the temperature.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]Scythe of Woe. See above for more details.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] M i s c e l l a n e o u s [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7]N/A at the moment.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] T h e m e S o n g [indent][indent][indent][color=#d7d7d7][youtube]https://youtu.be/304xAVC8EZE[/youtube][youtube]https://youtu.be/UcoLNTG1tTo[/youtube][/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [/indent] [/hider]