[h2]Ashte[/h2] It was probably a good thing that everyone was too distracted to look at Ashte's face right now, as her expression was very unbecoming of both a goddess of love and a goddess of war. It was a terrible expression of shock, like the fundamental underpinnings of reality had been ripped away and replaced with something incomprehensible. [i]How could gods be this stupid?[/i] Here it was, their first taste of conflict after being brought back to the world, their powers [i]obviously[/i] diminished, and they were all just... rushing in with brute-force against enemies of unknown ability, even after they formed a defensive position. It didn't matter how much you were individually stronger if you couldn't apply that power in any way! Not that she could actually explain this or try to organise something coordinated that might actually break it. No, Those bigger tubes were going to be shooting something else and... well, whatever, intercept them with shields angled upwards, it didn't matter what it was if the force of the attack was redirected away from Ashte or anyone nearby. No, [i]this[/i] tube could still fire and there was no time to waste. Shooting at the soldiers near the sun god, for instance. Too aggressive, too overconfident; assuming that barrelling straight in would kill everything and leave nobody to attack his unguarded sides or back. Fortunately, he had the most beautiful of gods to provide covering fire as their opponents--obviously trained, despite the power differential--went to take advantage of this.