[h1]Lopaley[/h1] [h3]The goddess of Time attempts to repair the broken guardian.[/h3] [i]The Sound of Battle was not something she enjoyed to hear.[/i] That was the type of thinking that was going through her mind as she would think about the fight as it was unfolding. The holy emperor? A concept that wasn't unfamiliar to her. Royalty could easily be misplaced as divine. But this would imply that was a definiative authority of this world. That there was some other authority that they in their weakened state may have to answer to. She would shift her weight holding the priestess. She had given the goddess of the hunt a simple nod when she had been asked to the protect the girl. She was going to do that anyway. So it was an agreement that was easy to make. Her hands not being free would make wielding a weapon of defence rather difficult. However. Evasion? For a person like her. Running away and avoiding things was quite easy when you moved on a different time-scale. It also helped that they weren't aiming the explosions directly at her. Likely due to the cargo she carried. However... The most important thing there was a damaged construct. It appeared that this 'guardian' had attacked the soldiers attempting to attack them. "The Enemy of my Enemy.." The time goddess would say as she'd weave her way while still carrying the priestess on her back. Towards the construct. If one of these *things* could kill several soldiers by itself and it appeared to protect the priestess. Then the only option was to begin to rewind its clock and to repair its structure. Hoping her fellow gods could distract the men long enough to let her perform this feat.