Why hello! Welcome to my list of options! I've had a few ideas swimming around in my head for a while that I really wanted to try, so I went ahead and decided to put 'em all down here! If you see anything you like, give me a poke and let's talk about it! Please note: I can happily play both male and female characters. I'm open to mature settings, but I won't pursue anything you don't ask for in that regard. I'm open to a lot of pairings, even ones as simple as "friends in a certain world"! And here are some of my more fleshed out ideas below. Take a look and tell me what you think! [hider=Isekai'd?!] You knew it was gonna be here! An average person suddenly finds themselves waking up in another world. What world? You decide! This'd be a DM'd play where one player - you, unless you really wanna DM something! - would be navigating their way through a new and exciting world. What's the world like? How dangerous is it? Is there any hope of going home? ...Do you even want to? I'm very flexible on options, and I even have a few worlds already set up and ready to go! All that's left... is you! Update! This story can now include being transformed into a monster race for a whole new take on isekai! Inspired by "So I'm a Spider, So What?!" [/hider] [hider=The Shrine] Deep in the forest and far from the beaten path, there's an old abandoned shrine to a deity long since forgotten. Though the shrine itself is rather small, rumors abound of ghostly visages and whispering voices. What do you suppose might happen if some (un)lucky human were to stumble upon it and accidentally disturb a few things? [/hider] [hider=Roommate From Beyond] Imagine coming home one day to find a complete stranger in your house... and one that isn't even human! Where'd they come from? Why are they here? Whatever their reasons, they're asking you if they can stay. And though they don't have any rent money, they DO have quite a lot of magic... Maybe you'd like to work out a deal? [/hider] [hider=Old War, New Fight] The prince(ss) of one nation vs. the high general of another, both renowned for their skill and strategy. And now they're about to face off in a battle to decide the fate of both nations... or so they think. When events see both armies all but wiped out, these two former enemies will suddenly have to work together... or both of their homelands will fall! Can they succeed? ...Can they be trusted? [/hider] [hider=Digimon: The MMO!] You've been invited to the beta test for a brand new full-dive VR experience in the Digital World! Each player will be assigned a partner Digimon, and then the adventures can begin! But strange things start to happen while you're in the game. Digimon start acting independently. Scripted events start to take strange turns. Glitches begin to occur with your player data. And where's the log out button? Oh no, you're trapped! This one's a bit more of a niche thing, where certain events can see the player's digital body starting to take on aspects of different Digimon. Is that a problem? Or an opportunity? Let's find out! [/hider] [hider=The Doll] Taking advantage of a beautiful day, a young woman steps outside to go for a walk... only to find a package at her doorstep! There's no return address, but the package is addressed to her by name. Overcome with curiosity, she takes it inside and opens it. Inside, she finds something quite unexpected: a beautiful porcelain doll, and in pristine condition, no less! But... who would send her this? And why? And most unusual of all... did the doll just speak to her? I've long been fascinated by dolls, but I only ever see them in horror media. So, I thought it might be fun to try something a little less "demonic possession" and more "slightly creepy mystery"! I'm happy to play either role in this one! [/hider] I'd also love to do a pairing in a fandom world setting! Do any of these catch your eye? Let's talk! (Fair warning: I greatly prefer OCs to canon characters!) My Hero Academia Naruto One Piece Pokemon Digimon Fairy Tail Final Fantasy (I know 14 best) Sword Art Online World of Warcraft