[@BladeSS4] [center][h2]Mari Hasagawa[/h2][/center] Just after she ordered the boy to search for other agents, another one of them showed up. She groaned. The fog was so bad she missed a kid riding on a giant robot. “Yes, we are with Atlas. And yes, I can see that the robot is an ally. It’s a Guardromon. It might be big but it’s just a Champion-level Digimon. And judging by the message we should all have received, the opponent shouldn’t be at that level.” She then switched her attention back to the fog, trying to see whether she could make out anything else from it. No dice. She couldn’t find anything. She was tempted to just tell her Digimon to fire indiscriminately to where the spear had come from but she was afraid she would accidentally hit another agent. “Hey, Wizardmon. Can you clear this fog up with a wind spell?” “Affirmative.” The Digimon raised his staff. A strong wind suddenly blew from its tip, spreading around in a full 360 degrees, pushing the fog from his vicinity. Or so she thought. Instead, the fog remained as it once was, perfectly unperturbed by the spell. "Tch, not a normal fog, huh? Well, this is bothersome." She folded her arms under her chest, annoyance clearly drawn on her face.