[hider=Abigail "Abby" Merin] [h3][b]Bio:[/b][/h3] *Age: 22 *Pronouns: She/Her *Occupation: Waitress [h3][b]Appearance:[/b][/h3] Abigail is always careful to keep up her best appearance. Her blonde hair flows down to her back, allowed to either fall freely or else kept tied in a neat ponytail. Her bright blue eyes and soft lips always reflect her current feelings with an openness that's almost concerning at times. She's very expressive, never making an effort to hide what's on her mind - for better or worse. Her outfits range from simple and comfy to a very few formal dresses. However, she only wears those for important occasions. Regardless of her outfit, she almost always wears a bright red jacket, one she claims is a keepsake of a dear friend. Her body falls somewhere between average and curvy, not quite meeting either end of the spectrum. She's not very physically strong, so her limbs show only a thin bit of muscle. When she wears a skirt, it's possible to see a faded scar on her right knee from a bad fall she suffered as a child. [h3][b]Digivolution/Form-Change Method:[/b][/h3] DNA Charge - Abby's outflow of emotions are converted into power for her partner to Digivolve. This can grant a lot of strength, but also runs an increased risk of Dark Digivolutions if her negative emotions are running rampant. [h3][b]Personality:[/b][/h3] Abby is, simply put, the cheerleader of every group she's in. Though she lacks the confidence to stand and declare herself a leader, she goes out of her way to support her friends and comrades however she can. She wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't afraid to express how she feels, whether it's jumping for joy or weeping in sorrow. This has earned her something of a crybaby reputation, but she doesn't mind; she's at least mature enough to acknowledge how easy it is to bring her to tears. Still, when things get tough, she's often the one that can rally the spirits of her friends, refusing to give up. Some call it determination, others sheer stubbornness. In a way, both sides are right. Meeting new people - and Digimon - is always a treat for Abigail, and she takes to the adventures in the Digital World with excitement. Even the threat of the dangers ahead doesn't keep her from moving forward. Of course, this has also gotten her into trouble on occasion, and it isn't unusual for her to happily blunder into a situation she has no safe way out of. She tries to remain positive, of course, but sometimes people wish she'd pull her head out of the clouds and look at where she's standing. Still, when someone else is in trouble, Abby is usually the first to leap to their aid, heedless of the risk to herself. [list] [*] + Optimistic [*] + Social Butterfly [*] + Genuinely cares for others [*] - Doesn't stop to consider risks [*] - Led by her feelings, not her head [*] - Easily frightened [/list] [h3][b]Dream:[/b][/h3] Abigail doesn't have any grand aspirations. She doesn't dream of being a CEO or having millions of dollars to retire with. No, her big dream is to enjoy her life to the fullest. Though it may sound simple and vague, to her, living her life in the moment to its fullest and best is the one thing that truly matters. When she's with friends, she strives to give everyone a good time. If she's alone, she finds something fun to occupy her time. To her, life is a gift that's meant to be enjoyed from start to finish, and though some may criticize her for it, Joy is the single most important thing in her world. [h3][b]Nightmare(s):[/b][/h3] Abandonment. It's a common fear that can affect people in uncommon magnitudes. For Abigail, it's the one thing she can't overcome. Her father left when she was just ten years old, and though she never talks about it, it scarred her deeply. Why did he leave? Was it her fault? And - the most damaging question of all - who [i]else[/i] was going to leave her? That single thought spiraled into a paralyzing wave of abject terror. What if her mother left her? What if her friends abandoned her? What if she was left all alone, with no one wanting or caring for her? That terror gripped her heart, and it's held her captive ever since. If someone leaves her, it's enough to drown her in sorrow, and if she's left all alone without warning, the fear paralyzes her once more, even if she's in a dangerous place. [hider=Character Sample] Striding through the mist, Abigail's eyes moved this way and that, taking in any details she could. Where was she? It definitely wasn't her house... Or anywhere familiar, for that matter. She perked up as the sound of waves crashing against an unseen shore reached her ears. The ocean? She didn't live anywhere near an ocean... Why was she here? Was this... Was this a dream? She looked down at herself. Same clothes she'd been wearing... She could even feel the fabric. This felt too real to be a dream, but... what else could it be? "Hey you!" came a voice from behind her. Wait, she knew that voice! Turning swiftly around, Abigail saw... herself! ...No, not quite herself. It was definitely her, but... older, somehow? They looked nearly identical to one another, but somehow this other her seemed older... or perhaps "experienced" was the right word. She gave off that aura exclusive to those who've been through terrible, incredible things and come away stronger. Encouragingly, her grin was still just as bright as Abby's had ever been. "How's it going?" "Wha- You're me!" she exclaimed, eyes wide with shock and confusion. "But... But why are you- Why am [i]I[/i]- Aaagh, this is confusing!" She rubbed at her head in frustration. "What's going on, exactly? Is this a dream?" "Good guess!" other Abby answered with that same beaming grin. "I guess that's the easiest way to explain it, yeah. That's all I can tell you, though. The rest is secret~" She put a finger to her lips with a knowing smirk behind it. "But before you rack your brain too much, I have a question for you." "I have [i]several[/i] questions for you," Abby countered, a hint of that same smirk appearing on her own face. "But I guess you're up first!" "Yup! My question is this:" She held out a hand to Abigail, and suddenly that familiar face seemed to contain a vast, endless expanse. Suddenly, her other self was something alien, something so far beyond Abby that she couldn't even grasp it. It was such a subtle shift in her expression, yet the sheer difference and suddenness of the change brought Abby's racing thoughts to a sudden and unceremonious halt. "If I were to offer you the life you've always wanted, friends you can always count on, and an adventure unlike any you've ever imagined... Would you take it?" She held out her hand toward Abby. Waiting. Silent. Abigail's mind reeled. If anyone else had asked her that, she'd have dismissed it as a ridiculous sales speech and moved on. But somehow... Somehow she knew this was serious. This was [i]her[/i] asking it, after all. She looked between her other self's eyes adn the hand reaching out toward her, words dying before they could even reach her lips. Finally, she took in a breath, her lips parting to speak, her hand rising slowly upward... And her eyes popped open. Above her was the same familiar ceiling she awoke to every morning. Surrounding her was her familiar studio apartment, filled with all the old dolls, silly knickknacks, and "organized chaos" she saw every day. It had all been a dream. Noen of it had been real. It was just... a crazy dream. ...Right?[/hider][/hider] [hider=Impmon] [h3][b]Bio:[/b][/h3] *Maturity: Adolescent *Pronouns: She/Her [h3][b]Typical Digivolution Path:[/b][/h3] Impmon > BlackGatomon > LadyDevimon > Lilithmon [h3][b]Origin:[/b][/h3] Impmon are known for being troublemakers and problem children, and this one is no exception. Much of her time up to this point has been spent picking fights and causing trouble for other Digimon, until she's inevitably chased off by angry groups of them. That ended when she picked a fight with a Champion, vastly underestimating the danger to herself. To put it lightly, she was beaten senseless and left unconscious in a field. That encounter did a number on her confidence and psyche. She started picking even more fights, a [i]need[/i] to prove she was more than just a passing pest taking root in her heart. That need has steadily grown even to this day. [h3][b]Personality:[/b][/h3] Impmon is, first and foremost, a prankster. From harmless jokes to borderline dangerous things, she loves nothing more than causing mischief and giving herself a good laugh. Abigail, as emotional as she is, has become Impmon's favorite victim, and not just because of their partnership. She loves to torment "her human" and laugh at the angry, flustered, and sometimes even tearful expressions Abigail makes. She never does any actual harm, thankfully, but she's entirely unapologetic about the rest. That said, beneath the laughter and mockery, Impmon is actually quite lonely. There's no tragic backstory of isolation or abandonment - she knows full well she's alone because of her own decisions. Even so, Abigail's openness and cheerful nature are oh so slowly starting to wiggle their way past Impmon's isolation. What will come of it, even Impmon doesn't know. [list] [*] + Bold and brave [*] + More clever than she lets on [*] + Rarely gets taken by surprise [*] - Not good at socializing [*] - Plays pranks at inopportune times [*] - Easily bored [/list] [hider=Digimon Sample] The sound of impish giggling filled the air as a small purple figure wove her way through the trees, grinning ear to ear as she went. Ahh, that prank had gone off perfectly! She'd gotten a trio of Agumon riled up enough to chase her down, only to lead them right into a nest of Beenon! A nest that she had, of course, set fire to. It was a small fire, granted, but it was still enough to get them stinging mad. And with a quick dodge into the brush, who should the Beemon see but a trio of Digimon known for their fire attacks approaching? She could almost still hear them screaming as they turned tail and ran. Hilarious! After floating her way along a little further, Impmon gave a yawn and stretched. She'd come to this forest because there weren't many 'mon around here, so she'd get a little peace and quiet. Of course, that also meant she'd get bored pretty soon... And going back was probably not a good idea; Beemon weren't known to calm down very quickly. What to do...? Her answer came in a way she really didn't expect. All of a sudden, she heard a voice calling to her. "Impmon... Impmon...!" "Who's there?" She looked around. Was it an enemy? Someone come to get revenge for a prank? ...It couldn't be the Agumon, surely? "Show yourself!" "Impmon... She's waiting..." "What? Who's waiting? Who are you?" "She's waiting... Waiting for you..." "Who?! Who's waiting? I want answers here! [i]Hey![/i]" She dove from tree to tree, but she couldn't see so much as a shadow. "Who the heck are you?! Come out so I can smack you! Hey!" "She's waiting... Waiting... Waiting..." The voice began to grow faint, until she couldn't hear it any more. Before she could even start to understand what had just happened, Impmon felt... a pull. It was hard to describe. Maybe like a homing instinct? But she had no idea where it was leading her. Or [i]why[/i] it was suddenly leading her! "...Okay, weird voice," she muttered, floating with the odd pull. "I'll play your game. But you'd better not keep [i]me[/i] waiting when I get there, or I'm gonna burn you to ashes." Curiosity and annoyance waging a silent war in her mind, Impmon carried on, following this strange sensation to a land she'd never known before...[/hider][/hider]