[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504262251755339776/806525772377358376/Shiro.png[/img][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504262251755339776/806525706308681738/Manami2.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504262251755339776/799982240800440331/b6ed09a33126ecec373b5a4789d4506a.png[/img][h2]And[/h2][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504262251755339776/799982259247120434/c0a4774c3ddd944b9e528a772be604e2.png[/img] [h2][color=916C8E] Wolven Pyre Guild Hall[/color][/h2] [@Cello][@Raijinslayer][@CitrusArms] [/center] While most people in Shiro's shoes might be concerned, the only outward emotion on show was her growing irritation and annoyance at the situation. Why wouldn't this dredge just go down already?! Feeling herself launched into the air, she blinked as four beams shot out on a crash course with her. While Henri managed to bodyblock two of them, she twisted her lithe frame midair as one of the others whizzed past and took a small slice out of her jacket along with it. The last bolt hit home though, her right arm going numb and limp at her side as she landed. Looking down at the blade lodged there, her eyebrow twitched slightly as an almost hiss-like sigh escaped her. Ok, [i]now[/i] she was mad. Without even bothering with the magical blade and as the cascade of swords began, she made seemingly little to no effort to avoid the strikes and advanced. The look of annoyance on her face not once fading despite the various cuts some of the attacks made, even as blood slowly fell down her cheek from one particular slash to her face. Making minimal evasive maneuvers, only taking the time to focus on the more immediate, dangerous strikes, she moved towards Hagar. An occasional step to the side, or deflection of a blade aside she took attack after attack though unlike before these found some purchase unlike before when they were deflected. By now she was covered in a variety of wounds but had closed the gap back between her and Hagar, which was all that mattered. There was a reason she was taking these blows after all. Now all she needed to do was wait for the right time to land this finishing blow she was preparing so she had to be patient and wait for the right moment. In the meantime, even without the use of her right arm she swung a series of fast left jabs and high kicks aimed at his chest the moment she came within range of doing so. She didn't care how many blades she took in the process now, an almost burning hatred in the gaze levelled at the poacher. [hr] Even with Meredith's praise on her performance, Manami seemed hesitant, unsure about something as she just returned the kind words with a forced smile. It still didn't sit right with her, but it had to be done right? It still didn't count! At least, that's what she would tell herself. Taking up Meredith's offer to sit beside her, Manami did so, tucking the skirt of her dress under her as she listened to the older woman's words. If it was someone like Shiro, then her words would've been wasted but the young woman was always one for learning whenever she could. Even if she wasn't sure of the reasoning behind this sudden little history lesson, she could appreciate the sentiment behind their actions. In fact, the reasoning seemed to resonate with the mage. [color=916C8E]"To respect those that came before and their sacrifices....I see. I suppose in this case, that would be appropriate. I wonder what I can do to that effect as well...."[/color] Musing out loud, her mind had drifted elsewhere as she stared at the ground for a moment in thought. Realising she was voicing her mind out loud, she shook her head and smiled again at Meredith. [color=916C8E]"Oh sorry about that, just got me thinking was all. I would love to hear more though if there's time, if not at a later time. There's always much to learn upon reflecting upon past events and even peoples actions during said events."[/color]