Candice had hoped that her explanation was cut and dry enough that it wouldn’t prompt anymore questions, but that wasn’t the case. She was loathe to give these people any more details about herself than she had to and while ‘no spells’ was admittedly not much to work with, it pretty much covered how her curse worked. As much as she wanted to just stay quiet however, it was better to make sure Red here at least understood some of the particulars so she didn’t try to help only to make things worse. “It depends on the kind of blessing.” Candice raised a fist, before extending her index finger. “Healing weakens me.” Her middle finger. “Strengthening me hurts.” And her ring finger. “And curing me of a condition just replaces it with something else.” She closed her fist again, leaning her elbow on the arm of her chair before resting her cheek atop of her hand. “Just let me deal with healing myself. If it looks like I need help, just get whatever’s bothering me off of me so I can recover.” ---- The walk to the farmlands was quiet, at least on her part; the others engaged in some small talk, but while Candice kept an ear open to what they were saying she didn’t participate. Instead she focused on her own preparations for the fight to come, which for her mostly consisted of making sure her body was limber and her mind was alert; she had no equipment to prepare, no weapons or armour to check, just her. There were fewer things that could go wrong that way. Once they were all prepared, Red used some kind of ability to light up herself and the night sky with huge spotlights. Candice’s eyes were drawn to the Medium almost against her will and she scowled when she was reminded to pay attention to the sky instead. She directed her eyes above, scanning the ceiling of the cavern for this dragon-thing so she could kill it and be done with this already.