[color=00a99d][h3][center]Maréngo[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] The discomfort in Maréngo's stomach grew as they neared the market but he dismissed it as after effects of his night of drunken debauchery. After all, he was still trying his damndest to ignore his splitting headache. He made his way to the market with the rest of the merry band and couldn't help but snicker every time he glanced at the barrel. It took considerable effort to not ask Neh'miah how he was doing out loud. Best not to give any indication the wanted thief was around and with them. Even still, he noticed an occasional side eye directed at their motley crew but no one had the nerve to ask them their business given the sheer amount of weaponry and muscle they had to bear. The party quickly began to disperse once they reached the market and the pirate took that as his cue to break away. There were a few things he'd like to do with that hefty bag of coin. He couldn't help the giddy smile on his face at the thought of being able to buy just about anything he wanted at the market. His first stop was a series of ox carts manned by a dwarf. The plethora of items and weaponry drew his attention as soon as saw the displays. Of all the items for sale, it was an ornate dagger that caught his eye and his curiosity. It was a thing of beauty (if a tad rusted) with brass accents and mahogany furniture and to his amazement, a flintlock barrel fixed to the cross guard. He pondered for a moment about the applications of such a device. The idea of a one stab blade in such a small package was more than a bit attractive. With a little love it would be quite the ace up his sleeve if he didn't have room to swing a sword. It was then his perusing was noticed by the dwarf who scowled as he watched this stranger loiter by his goods. "Well? Are you gonna buy it or just stand there gawking?" Maréngo gave him a good natured smile and gestured to the dagger. [color=00a99d]"She's beautiful. How much?"[/color] "Seven gold. Take it or leave it." The finality of his tone made him certain there would be little room for bargaining. Still, it couldn't hurt to try. [color=00a99d]"How about tossin' in a cleaning kit with oil and brush for say... an extra 30 bits?"[/color] "50 bits." [color=00a99d]"Deal."[/color] Maréngo reached into the coin purse at his belt and the dwarf seemed to soften just a bit as the coin dropped into his hand. "Hmm. Since you didn't bust my chops about haggling, and I can tell by the look of you you'll need it, have some shot and patches on the house." [color=00a99d]"You guessed correctly. Never know what could be waiting in a place like Gnok."[/color] The dwarf pocketed the coin and retrieved the extra ammunition from a crate on the back of a cart. Maréngo smiled and affixed the dagger to his belt, giving it a small pat. It felt good. like it truly belonged to him. He couldn't wait to restore it to its former glory. It was then the dwarf returned with a small cloth bag tied neatly with twine. "Now don't go telling everyone and their mother about this. But nevermind that, what are you doing out by Gnok?" [color=00a99d]"I'd be happy to tell you, but the boss would probably have stiff words with me if I said. Even sayin' the where might've been too much."[/color] "Alright, alright I won't pry. Anything else for you?" [color=00a99d]"No, this is plenty. Thank you and be sure to buy yourself something to fill your belly and warm your throat."[/color] The dwarf smirked and patted his coin pouch. "Already ahead of you." [center]==========[/center] Maréngo made a quick stop by the apothecary to grab himself a serviceable pipe and some tobacco and a tinder box to go with it. He was pleasantly surprised at how cheap he got the tobacco for. Though he had quite a bit of gold left, the pirate found himself captivated by a display of exotic animals he passed on his way to the ship. Reptiles and birds and small mammals he didn't recognize despite his travels sat in cages arranged on tables. Parrots and birds of prey and even some type of hairless cat paced in their cages or made a ruckus out of sheer boredom. One animal in particular drew his attention like a moth to flame. A small monkey hung from the bars of its cage and hooted at him with its furry hand outstretched. It made a grabbing motion at him and Maréngo grinned. The idea that he could simply buy a pet was too enticing to pass up. He reached to gently grasp the primate's hand when a Jin-Zho man wearing a courtly robe stopped him. "Careful, he bites." As if to prove his point, the monkey screeched at him and spit on his robe. "And spits." The man wiped his clothes somewhat dry and bowed gracefully. "Welcome, friend. My name is Po and this is my collection of wondrous, exotic creatures and this little bastard for sale. If you'll take him off my hands I'll give you a discount and even throw in some food to keep him busy." Maréngo had already decided he'd pay whatever amount the man wanted, but pretended to mull it over. [color=00a99d]"What sort of discount?"[/color] he asked, thoughtfully stroking his chin scruff. "45 gold and a sack of food for free." [color=00a99d]"Would you take 38?"[/color] "I'll take 40." [color=00a99d]"Deal."[/color] Po grinned and vigorously shook the pirate's hand with both of his. "Congratulations, friend! Now take this and this and get that hell creature away from me!" He shoved a sack of fruit into his hands along with a leash and collar, positively ecstatic to be rid of the animal. Turning the collar over he saw a name engraved into the leather. [color=00a99d]"Pyka?"[/color] The monkey only seemed to grow more excited at the mention of her name. Maréngo took a plantain out of the bag and held it out in front of him. [color=00a99d]"You want some treats? Are you hungry?"[/color] Po breathed a sigh of relief at having closed the deal and reached into his robe for a keyring. Hesitantly, he unlocked the cage after a silent three count and immediately jumped back as Pyka sprang at his new owner, latching onto his arm. He snatched the fruit up and climbed onto his shoulder where she quickly peeled the skin away, throwing it to the ground at Po's feet, before tearing into her snack. [color=00a99d]"Keep the leash,"[/color] Maréngo said and placed it, along with the gold on the table by the open cage, [color=00a99d]"He won't need it any more."[/color] Po gave him a look bordering on concern but it quickly faded as he gathered the coins into a pouch. "Thank you, friend! And good luck!" [color=00a99d]"Too you as well."[/color] Maréngo turned and headed for the docks. He'd wasted enough time already and it was about time he earned his keep. Although, was it truly wasted time if he had such a fun little companion to show for it? [color=00a99d]"Come, Pyka. There's some people I want you to meet."[/color] [hider=Maréngo's Purchases] Dagger pistol: 7G Weapon Cleaning Kit: 50B Tinder Box and 1lb of Tobacco: 50B Smoking Pipe: 50B Pet Monkey: 40G 49G 50B [/hider]