[center][img]http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t394/UnlitSkies/edit_zps1b885afb.png[/img][/center] Adam was so elated someone called his name for help (meaning the corner of his lip twitched minimally upward) that he nearly careened into a stone pillar. As such, he took a nasty chunk out of it as he redirected his ponderous flight in the direction of the voice. His glinting black eyes sought out the source and quickly landed upon one of the red-heads, the talented young woman with the mobile sprinkler system (Mila). His heavy footsteps quickly thudded him to the woman and an injured Bain & Hoyle employee -- another woman, this one with white hair and lilac eyes and a wrapping around her leg (Anastasia). “I am going to touch you now,” Adam informed politely as his big hand reached for the white haired one. Without even waiting for an answer, he hauled the injured girl up under his arm, his forearm wrapped around her middle -- even if he did have her head facing behind him. Misinterpreting Mila’s “we’re faster that way” comment, the golem figured she wanted a lift too and also picked up the red-haired Rusalka under his other arm -- he had her head facing in front of him, at least. "Hold on," he said, even though there wasn't really anything to hold onto. Both women securely under wraps, Adam began ponderously jogging his way toward the doorway to the vaults. An explosion from behind made the golem momentarily duck his head, but the blast was not close enough to stagger him. He kept on trucking for the exit. “Hello, friend Nestor,” said Adam calmly as Nestor blew by him. The golem was pleased that he had not accidentally turned Nestor into a bloody smear on the ceiling. Talk about a bad case of golem embarrassment. It would be more embarrassing than the time Adam had accidentally shaken a door-to-door religion-salesman’s hand right off. Adam still regretted how the first gush of blood had hit the poor man’s companion square in the eye. [i]Oops.[/i] More scarabs were coming down… Fortunately, there was a dark cloud of doom to stall them, as well as a giant, and several pops from undead bullets. Adam lumbered at a steady canter past the giant red wolf-woman and the pink-haired child. The pink-haired child scout was looking grumpy again. Adam wracked his golem brain for something to say to cheer her up in the dire situation. Then it came to him. “Optimus enjoys your Do-si-dos,” the golem told Daisy with a grave kindness as he steadily thumped past, two Bain & Hoyle women dangling from his arms. Then, finally, he was in the gate… with everyone else, soon enough. Hopefully.