[quote=@Mintz] [hider=Ultraman][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865464224716947506/904286152201228308/IMG_4134.jpg[/img] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjgwLjlkOWQ5ZC5TM1ZpYnlCQmEybHYuMA/prototype.regular.webp[/img] [u][color=6ecff6]Nicknames[/color][/u] N/A (never had friends to give him nicknames) [u][color=6ecff6]Title/Code Name[/color][/u] The Unbeatable Ultraman! (Ultraman/Ultra for short) [u][color=6ecff6]Species[/color][/u] Human [u][color=6ecff6]Gender[/color][/u] Male [u][color=6ecff6]Sexuality[/color][/u] Heterosexual [u][color=6ecff6]Age[/color][/u] 21 [u][color=6ecff6]Birthday[/color][/u] December 25th [u][color=6ecff6]Personality[/color][/u] While Akio does his best to act like his charismatic and cocky idol that was Iron Man, he...Can't pull it off well. At his core, he is a [i]huge[/i] dork, all too ready to geek out and go overboard on any topic that comes up that even slightly interests him, and he especially enjoys ranting about his work to any and all willing to listen. However, underneath that nerdiness and more than a slight need to be recognized for something, he has the real workings of a Hero, and genuinely wants to be able to do right by his fellow man. [u][color=6ecff6]Affiliation[/color][/u] Heroic/Selfless [i]The way I see things, it should never be about what you can do for yourself; it's what you can do for others.[/i] [u][color=6ecff6]Weapon(s)[/color][/u] [b]The Ultraman Suit MK-I[/b] [img]https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bcb1c926197f92b5e2a4b8be0d44ca8b[/img] Designed from the scraps of a salvaged Ultron drone (not that Kubo's aware that's what he salvaged), the MK-I might not be a Tony Stark patented nanosuit, but it can certainly get the job done. While far from unbreakable, it's able to handle most forms of non-Superhuman assault fairly well, beyond higher level firearms and explosives, and enhances Akio's strength considerably, more than enough to throttle any street-level thug, and put up a serious fight against more dangerous opponents. However, it's true power comes from... [b]The Kubo Generator[/b] The Kubo Generator is a power source of Akio's own design, based off the remains of the power source the salvaged drone has, and some facets of Stark's famous Arc Reactor. While it's power generation is quite inefficient and needs tuning, it gets the job done, able to run the suit for about a full day. Assuming he doesn't pull anything special, which he almost always does. Namely, the propulsor beams able to be fired from the palms of the suit, which possess enough concussive force to knock out a normal human in one good blast, and can be charged for a bit of extra 'oomph', potentially busting straight through concrete. The suit also possesses boosters to allow flight, but...They've been finnicky, so unless it's an emergency, they're considered inactive for the MK-I. However, Kubo has one special weapon up his sleeve still.... [b]Purge System[/b] Just as Iron Man had his Unibeam, Kubo has what he's dubbed the 'Purge System'. By channeling all but 5% of the suit's remaining power to its mouthpiece, Ultraman unleashes a devastating beam of energy that can decimate just about anything it hits. Of course, this is certainly a last resort, but a very potent one. [b]R.E.G.I.S.[/b] Named after an alien robot from an old TV show, R.E.G.I.S. is the J.A.R.V.I.S. to Ultraman's Iron Man. Patched up from some remaining data in the drone he salvaged, R.E.G.I.S. assists Kubo in tracking the suit's power usage, current power, suit integrity, and offers direction in combat scenarios (as Akio is very unpracticed in the art of combat). R.E.G.I.S. can also be used to hack into anywhere Kubo needs to get into, and perform lightning-fast internet searches, which can be surprisingly useful. [u][color=6ecff6]Powers[/color][/u] (Based on the Marvel Power Grid) +Level 5 Intelligence (Genius, could be considered a Level 6 Intelligence (Super-Genius) with aid of R.E.G.I.S.) +Level 1 Strength (Level 4 with the Ultraman suit, able to lift roughly 2 tonnes) +Level 2 Speed (in the Ultraman suit, he can reach up to 60 MPH running. Once he works out the boosters, he can go much faster) +Level 1 Durability (Level 3 in Ultraman suit. Can remain unharmed or lightly damaged from most ordinary weaponry) +Level 1 Fighting Skill (Level 4 with combat analysis from R.E.G.I.S.) [u][color=6ecff6]Weaknesses[/color][/u] -Without the Ultraman suit, Akio is a frail and unskilled combatant. And even [i]with[/i] the Ultraman suit, his combat experience is painfully prevalent. -The Ultraman suit can resist most forms of assault, but Kubo has yet to make it resistant to electric assaults, making it prone to being overloaded or fried with a large enough voltage, or at the least dazing the suit's systems. -EMPs can render the suit temporarily inert. -The energy consumption of the suit is currently very inefficient, so drawn out fights are poor fits for Ultraman. [u][color=6ecff6]Likes[/color][/u] Engineering Rants Being Acknowledged Sweets Boba Tea Heroics Selfless Acts [u][color=6ecff6]Dislikes[/color][/u] Not Understanding Things Awkward Social Interactions (which in his case, is pretty much all of them) Evildoers (cheesy, but you get the idea) Failure (he copes with it very, very poorly) New York Traffic [u][color=6ecff6]Current Residence[/color][/u] Astoria, New York, in the shabbiest house he could buy (he needs his cash for way more important things than his digs) [u][color=6ecff6]Backstory[/color][/u] Akio's life story has been one of, mainly, disappointment. His mother was a self-absorbed woman who only got with his dad on a fling, and his father, while a genius man himself, was also quite the bitter alcoholic. It didn't take long after he was born for the divorce to get filed, and for his pops to win custody. That was a bad start, but it got worse. Growing up with his father, Akio was taught that to win in this world, one needs to be cunning and ruthless in equal measures; fitting advice from a man who fought his way tooth and nail up the ladder of a huge Japanese tech company. As such, he was very hard on the boy, forcing him to be better, always saying that he wasn't living up to his potential. When those kind of talks were the closest thing he got to familial connections, it's no surprise Akio got so desperate for approval and attention from others. In school, he found himself quickly outpacing many other students, and per his father's requests, he moved up grades several times. Hell, by the time he was getting into High School, he was barely Middle School age. While teachers praised him for his intellect and excellent school work, he was disconnected from the students, unable to find any friends in his years of school. College didn't change that; if anything, it somehow got worse there. By the time he graduated from Kyoto University, he was probably one of the most antisocial and awkward human beings on the planet, with no real connection to other people and certainly zero people skills to speak of. Due to this, in spite of his genius-level intellect and college degrees, he struggled to find work, usually taking jobs in small shops as a cashier or janitor, or when those things turned belly-up, he occasionally resorted to hacking and selling information on the web (though he tried to make sure anything he dug up wasn't too important). However, one day things took an unexpected turn when he just....Ceased to exist. Yes, Akio was among the billions of people who were snapped away in an instant due to the Mad Titan's actions. And once he returned, he practically found himself in a whole new world. For someone like him, it was absolutely terrifying. However, snapped individuals were compensated by the government, and once his pay came in, he decided he needed to get away from everything for a while. Using some of his snap Yen, Akio paid for a trip to a quiet area in Russia, if only to spend some time to catch his breath and realign himself in the world. However, he had no idea what he'd find on this trip. One day, when spending a chilly morning on a walk through the nearby forestry, he came across something he couldn't explain; the wreck of what looked to be some kind of robot, or drone, but in almost complete disrepair. Still...Some of the parts looked serviceable, and the design of the machine evoked something in Kubo. It was then an idea struck him. After the fight that saw all those who were erased returned, the world was down many of its greatest defenders, not least of all being the one and only Iron Man, Tony Stark. The world needed heroes now more than ever...And with this heap of potentially incredible parts...With that, he began hauling as much of the totaled drone as he could back home, and started his work on Project Ultraman. After several months of backbreaking labor, intensive research, and, regrettably, a [i]lot[/i] of information sold on the net for quick bucks, he finally finished it; the MK-I Ultraman suit. With it in tow, he did the only thing that came to his mind. If he was going to debut as one of the next big heroes of the world, he'd need a suitable stage, and New York was practically a breeding ground for ne'er-do-wells, but also a place where great heroes could be found. And he'd be the next. Selling off all his belongings in Russia, he got himself a ticket to New York, bought himself a shabby house (honestly closer to a hut almost) in Astoria, and prepared for his big move... [u][color=6ecff6]Special Skills[/color][/u] Engineering Hacking Information Gathering Cooking (yeah, when he isn't holed up in his pseudo-lab doing tests, he likes to cook) [u][color=6ecff6]Other[/color][/u] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WQOQigMV5A [/center][/hider] [/quote] We have all approved so go ahead and move him on over