[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]The Maw- The Kitchen[/center] [center]Lvl 7 (94/70) -> Lvl 8 (95/70) [/center] [center]Word Count: 377 words[/center] As he tore into the Tempura-Resentment with his Nail, Geralt could feel that something about him was different. He had to assume it was from the food that he'd eaten, and while that presented a set of worrying questions, he would have to worry about that later. Destroying this thing while it was weak had to be the priority. Sadly, it was not that easy. After a short time, Kamek warned the others to step back, sensing something wrong. When the Resentment exploded into its normal form, Geralt figured that Kamek had realized the spell was ending. Very useful information [i]for next time[/i]. As he stood back up, Geralt was relieved to see that the Resentment wasn't attacking just yet, seeming to have to gather its breath. That reprieve, however, didn't last, as the monster soon went into a frenzy, wildly attacking despite the grievous wounds that had been dealt. The Seekers rallied, and through various means of attack managed to fell the monster. Slowing his breathing, Geralt nodded at the others, though he couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment that none of them reverted to their normal sizes and ages. "Damn..." he whispered, but shook off the feeling. It wasn't worth worrying over right now, on account of the bigger fish they had to fry. As the group returned to the theater, Geralt scowled when he counted one less returning member of the group that had gone to the Lady's Chambers. [i]Dammit. We need to stop splitting off and going about this half-assedly, or more people are going to die.[/i] He didn't verbalize the sentiment, however, because he was just as guilty for not trying to force the issue more firmly. He couldn't even be sure that things would be different had they all gone together, but he found it hard to imagine things being any worse. Shaking off the feeling, Geralt noticed the look Sakura gave him, and nodded before turning to Kamek, who was offering up Spirits which hadn't been taken yet. He walked over and took the Spirit of the Resentment, before quickly pressing it to himself and fusing with it. He didn't need words. He was Geralt of [i]Fucking Rivia[/i], and he was done with this place.