[center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/871512296730525746/908770853964095518/Epic-Mickey-2-Oswald-the-lucky-rabbit-transparent.png[/img] [h1]"Now I really DO see why he liked you."[/h1] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Oswald the Lucky Rabbit [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 94 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [b][u]Canon[/u][/b] Disney's Epic Mickey [u][b]Main Thread or Sandbox[/b][/u] Sandbox [u][b]Starting Location[/b][/u] Metropolis. Oswald's been around for quite a few days, living in an alley. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] At first, Oswald can be very distrustful of unfamiliar folk. He has a short temper, and is easily annoyed. He can get aggressive very quickly, and can be serious when the time calls for it. His greatest desire is to be loved and recognized once more, though he understands this isn’t likely. A guy can dream, though. He’s very affectionate with his loved ones, and won’t hesitate to push others away and shut them out for a period of time when he loses someone. Oswald cares deeply for his kingdom as well, having devoted time to keep anyone else from being affected by the sealed Blot. Once he’s warmed up to someone, he has quite the fun side. Oswald can be very optimistic and forgiving to those who have wronged him. After the events of Epic Mickey 2 though, he’s very cautious when he decides to forgive and forget. He can be quite the jokester as well if he feels like it. [b][u]Motivation[/u][/b] To become a star and regain his heart. Oh, and find his family too, or something. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [i]Remote:[/i] Oswald has a remote that can kill Blotlings or Machines, or turn them into allies (he prefers the latter). The remote can also power machines, and turn things off and on. [u][b]Attributes[/b][/u] Oswald can use his ears to fly. He can remove his limbs, and can carry others similar to Mickey. Oswald can jump high as well. [b][u]Biography:[/u][/b] Before the Blot Wars, Oswald lived as the ruler of Wasteland along with Ortensia and his kids. But, when Mickey had released the Blot accidentally, the Blot Wars had begun. Despite losing, Oswald managed to seal the Blot in a bottle, his wife turning into a statue in the process. He pushed everyone away, devoting his time to keeping the Blot from escaping into Wasteland. Upon meeting Mickey, Oswald was very disgusted by the mouse, having been jealous of him for having the role Oswald felt he himself deserved. But eventually, the rabbit warmed up to him. Though, as Mickey revealed he was the one who released the Blot onto Wasteland, Oswald was enraged, trying to set up a one-on-one fight with the mouse. In the process, Oswald accidentally released the Blot from the bottle, and Mickey traded his heart for the lives of Oswald and Gus. The trio worked together to destroy the Blot, as Mickey and Oswald had made up and Oswald returned the freed heart to his brother. Later on, earthquakes began plaguing the Wastelands, and the Mad Doctor revealed he had supposedly been reformed. Oswald believed the doctor, discussing plans to stop the earthquakes. Oswald worked alongside the newly arrived Mickey to repair the damage caused throughout Wasteland. They learn that Prescott had worked alongside the Mad Doctor, only for him to be hypnotized and set up so the Mad Doctor could come out as the hero. In the end, they defeated the Mad Doctor, saving him from falling into the thinner. The Guardians turned the Mad Doctor into a Toon once more, as Mickey and Oswald celebrated their victory with the citizens of Wasteland. [u][b]Other[/b][/u] He's cishet, point and laugh. [/center]